Chapter 18

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I'd always rushed passed Demetrius's office, not wanting to get into trouble, and never really got a chance to look at it well. Even the door seems ominous, made out of ornately carved dark oak, marked with symbols that read 'He who does not punish evil invites it'. Well if anything this man was letting evil in with open arms.

We'd wanted to look around first before we planned the break in, and only looking at his office made me nervous. We'd have to get in through the door or the window in the back, which is at least 150 blocks up. Shuffling back to our dorm, we start fleshing out the basic details of our plan.

"We have to go in through the window" I tell them

"Why?" Xisuma asks, genuinely confused "Going through the door would be so much easier!"

"He would obviously have it protected by magic. It would definitely be to hard to get through" I explain

"But what about you?" Ezra butts in "You have Gold magic!"

"Unless we know the exact spell it would be incredibly difficult to try get in" Xisuma explains. "We'd have to get in through the window."

"But I'm so bad at flying!" Joe points out.

"Well then someone's gonna have to carry you" I calmly respond, all eyes turning to X, who simply shrugs in response.

"Carry him where?" Someone asks behind us. I almost scream, as I turn to see Nora, arms crossed and eyes narrowed in suspicion. Thankfully I have a natural liar as a boyfriend.

"Homework. We're planning out a scenario in which the four of us are against a group of powerful Admins and what we would do. Joe just asked what'd happen if one of us were to pass out. Grian was saying someone would have to get him out of direct hitline to heal him and call for backup."

All of this slides out of Ezra's mouth calmly and smoothly, like he'd planned it all out perfectly for this exact reason. Nora seems to buy it, shrugging as she goes to leave.

"Ok. Don't stay awake too late"

"We won't!" I lie with a cheerful smile. The second the door is closed though, the four of us immediately get back to planning. Joe writes the whole thing out as we go, not wanting to forget a single detail. One wrong move and I don't even want to think of the punishment we'd receive.

Hours later, when everyone is sleeping, we all examine the piece of paper, carefully reading it over one last time. Adrenaline makes my heart pound in my chest at the thought of actually pulling this off. 

The first obstacle would be Nora, who would notice we weren't in our beds very quickly. Ezra had suggested we try that trick where we put pillows under the blanket, but that never works, so I ended up using magic on her to make sure she wouldn't wake up until morning, which made me feel really bad.

Then we carefully slipped out of the room, careful not to wake anyone else, until we got to the main door, where we travelled around the back of the building to the tower where Demetrius's office was. Xisuma looks up nervously, paling a little.

"Goodness me... it's bigger then I thought"

"That's what she said" Ezra snickers, his twin's face turning even redder.

"To be fair, you walked right into that one" I giggle, before Xisuma helps Joe and the 4 of us fly up to the window.

"Ok." I whisper "Ezra, you're the stealthiest out of all of us here, just get the books that look like the ones Joe was reading"

My boyfriend nods, about to head through when I take his hand and gently kiss him.

"And be safe"

"I will. Don't worry"

Then he disappears through the window. I begin to feel worried for him, before feeling Joe squeeze my hand.

"He's going to be ok" my friend assures me

"Everything is going to be ok" Xisuma promises

The three of us wait outside the window, not saying anything.

Then we hear a yell, before hearing a scream.

Ezra's scream.

The panicked boy scrambles back out, a massive gash on his face and a book under his arm.

"GO!" he yells, as Demetrius runs toward us. X immediately grabs Joe, jumping off the balcony with Ezra and I on his tail. But the Watcher is chasing us, his massive grey wings making him a lot faster then us. In a moment of pure panic, a genius idea strikes me.


It's a mad idea. The portal is blocked with magic even Demetrius can't pass. But something tells me it will work. Landing in the ground, we sprint toward the forcefeild of magic. Grabbing my friends' hands, I focus on every fraction of my magic I possibly can. Demetrius swings his sword, which cuts my arm just as we make it through. Tumbling through the portal, my entire brain is in shock at what just happened.

We've escaped.

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