Chapter 3

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I look around me, a dark Void surrounding The Watcher and I. I think it's The End, recognising the yellow stone beneath my bare feet.

The Watcher stays silent, walking toward a towering building. Not really knowing what else to do, I follow them. Soon I begin to lose myself in my thoughts as we walk.

Will I ever see mum again? What will happen to me? Who's this Watcher? Could Auntie Nora be here? Will I-

A strong hand grabs me by the back of my shirt as I almost walk off the island and into The Void. I hadn't even noticed where I was going, or for that matter the tears threatening to spill down my cheeks.

"Th- thank you" I mumble awkwardly, before looking up at The Watcher. "Um... can I ask you a question?"

"Depends. If it's about my name, face or background assume the answer is no"

"It isn't... do you know a Nora? She's 27 years old... she's my Auntie and I was hoping she'd maybe be here"

"Nora died 9 years ago" They reply coldly "And being related to a Watcher doesn't put you in anyone's favour, so don't think your being her nephew will give you a raised status here"

"Actually... I just wanted to meet her. My mum always spoke about her and how nice she was..."

"Xerea, you took your time" a harsh voice drawls disapprovingly.

I look up to see a terrifying man loom over us, with black wings, robes, a purple halo and the same mask as The Watcher who brought me here.

The Watcher, who's name I now assume is Xerea, looks down.

"My apologies sir" they mumble, only to have their head pulled back up by the hair.

"Face your leader when you speak!" The other Watcher spits, keeping a firm hold of their hair for another good 15 seconds before dropping them.

"Get yourself out of my sight" he growls "And take this pathetic twig of a boy with you!"

Xerea quickly grabs my hand, pulling me down long corridors and away from that terrifying man.

"Are you ok?" I ask quietly as she leans against a wall, sighing heavily.

"That doesn't matter, head into this room here, I will be in in a moment"

I nod, quietly opening the door and slipping in, more thoughts flooding my mind.

But I don't have time for those, because before me are three boys.

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