Chapter 46

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Grian's POV

I carefully lift the metal helmet onto my head, lying down on my bed and curling up into a small ball. It's comforting to have it on, and I've found myself wearing it more and more frequently these days.

Smiling slightly, I feel my eyes droop a little, tired from weeks with little rest. I keep holding onto the helmet though, like it'll fall off if I don't. Before I know it though, I'm falling asleep.

I don't have any dreams, which I'm happy about. Every night since Evo was... destroyed, has been plagued with horrible nightmares. I think that's the reason Xisuma let me keep this. It really comforts me to have it.


I open my eyes, realising everything still has a red tint to it and briefly panicking. I really can't think of a way to explain this one to a Hermit. Rolling over, I see it's only Mumbo though.

"Um... why are you wearing EX' helmet?"

"Ah... that's a good question" I sigh, sitting up and taking it off. "I like wearing it."

"Why do you like... actually you don't have to answer that, sorry!"

"No it's ok. Remember a couple months ago, Xisuma said he and I used to be close? That's why I like wearing it, it's comforting... it reminds me of him in a nice way"

Mumbo sits next to me, silently offering a hug. I accept it, letting him wrap an arm around me. I keep my hands on the helmet though.

"Grian... were you and EX... 'close' close?"

I look up at Mumbo with a smirk, knowing he's figured it out.

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Stop trying to make me embarrassed Gri, you know exactly what I mean!" He laughs

"Ok ok... maybe I was trying to embarrass you. But yeah, he was my boyfriend."

"Ohhh, that's why you wear his helmet. I get it, I sometimes wear Iskall's scarf when I miss them. Funny though, I was pretty sure you were into Xisuma.

It's always weird when Hermits think I like X. Mostly because he's my FRIEND, and the person I actually love happens to be his brother.

"Come again?" Mumbo asks

"I didn't say anything"

"You did... about a brother?"

I silently curse at myself. Xisuma had asked me NOT to mention Ezra being his brother for now, but I have a habit of thinking out loud.

"Do you have a brother who Xisuma likes?"

I don't respond, and he seems to get it.

"Oh... Xisuma and EX are..."

"Brothers... yes"

I turn, to see a slightly sad looking Xisuma in the doorway.

"Twins, to be more specific" he sighs, sitting down beside me.

"Oh goodness" Mumbo mumbles. "That's... unfortunate"

"As with most things in our lives" I admit

"Well... at least you both ended up being Admins. I could only imagine what would've happened to you had you been Watchers."

I look at X. He looks at me. Then he nods.

I roll the sleeve of my sweater up to show the three black stripes. Mumbo's face drains of all colour, and he slowly lifts a hand to his mouth in shock.

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