Chapter 50

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Xisuma's POV

When I wake up, I'm feeling unusually positive. I don't know why, but it kind of feels nice. Then I remember the promise I made to myself last night and my stomach drops like a heavy rock.

I had been with Scar, helping him finish a build, when he asked me why I was wearing my helmet. He said we were the only pair here, and that it was ok to take it off, seeing as he's already seen my face.

I got uncomfortable, and quickly made an excuse to go, leaving my friend by himself. I can only imagine how bad he felt, and so to combat my immense fear of... well... myself, I've decided to go a whole day without wearing my helmet.

Looking up at my reflection in a mirror, I begin to have second thoughts about this. My hair's all messy, and my tail won't stop flicking nervously, the purple spikes sticking up the way they do when I'm worried.

I look over at my helmet, which is still on my bed, and seriously consider backing out of this. Instead, I turn back to face my reflection, and take a deep breath.

"Do it for Scar" I tell myself, before leaving my base.

Unfortunately, I ran out of concrete for the 3rd time this week, and the first thing I had planned for today was to buy more. This meant going to the busiest place on the server, and on a Saturday too, when most Hermits take a weekend break and hang out at the Shopping District.

Team Z.I.T are hanging out in front of Whole Lotta Terracotta, Zedaph and Tango having a competition to see who can drink their milkshake fastest without getting a brain freeze while Impulse times them.

I try to keep my head down and get past quickly, my heart racing and pounding in my tightening chest. Tango looks up, seeming very confused for a second, before he squints and realises it's me.

Eyes widening in shock, he chokes, pink milkshake squirting out his nose in a rather gross manner. Impulse and Zed both look up too, the latter choking on his chocolate milkshake in a similar matter.

"W-was that Xisuma?!" I hear Impulse gasp behind me

"I think so? Did he have little horns in his hair?" Zed wonders

"There is only one possible explanation for this" Tango tells them

"We're dreaming" The three conclude in unison, going back to their drinks

I quicken my pace to get away, unfortunately running into Iskall and Mumbo. Neither notice me, Iskall merely bouncing a slime ball off the wall. For a moment, I think I might be able to get past them.

Iskall then turns and sees me, and is so alarmed they misfire the slime into Mumbo's face. Mumbo then looks up too, and is very much surprised.


"Hi" I mumble, continuing to walk. This was going worse then expected... there's so many people here!

Things suddenly get so much worse when I see The Convex sitting directly in front of the concrete shop, counting their profits. Of all the people on the server, Scar was the only one I was hoping NOT to run into right now, knowing how badly I'll make a fool of myself.

"E-excuse me" I mumble, only catching their attention.

Scar looks very surprised, before smiling. Cub, on the other hand, appears to have inhaled his cake, and chokes on it briefly, before looking back at me with wide eyes. Scar sharply elbows him.

"It's rude to stare Cubby!" He scolds his partner, as if Cub was only a child. I quickly open the door, entering the shop and slamming it shut behind me.

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