Chapter 52

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??? POV

It's time.

The Hermits are all together, laughing and talking as Xisuma struggles to keep the meeting on-topic. It hurts me to think that within moments, they'll all be dead... save for Grian. Although, considering what I've heard about their plans for him, he'd be better off if I killed him too.

'They're all here. I'm ready and waiting.'

'Perfect. I knew you'd pull through in the end.'

My hand drifts toward the hilt of my sword, and I hold onto it, knowing I'll need it soon. They weren't really my friends anyway... it's just as simple as killing strangers.



Maybe not so simple.

Nora's POV

"It's time" Stella tells me, not looking up "They're leaving for Hermitcraft, server stability should be going down soon"

The tension between the two of us is... awkward. For me at least. She's just been annoyed and quiet for the last week or so, only talking to me when she actually has to. I can't describe my guilt, I want to apologise, but I don't know how.

"You could start by actually apologising" Stella muses quietly

"I- what?"

"Yeah, I've been listening to your thoughts for the last hour or two. It really helps me understand people who refuse to talk"

"You're the one who isn't talking"

"You're the one who kept it up. It takes two to start a conversation, both of us failed to communicate and therefore it's both our faults"

Then she looks up at me again.

"I want to take the Watchers down as much as you do Nora. Those impostors are getting what they deserve, trust me"

"Impostors?" I repeat

"They aren't proper Watchers. At least not the ones I used to know"

I tilt my head, a little confused, and Stella sighs.

"Watchers weren't always looking for power and fear. They used to protect the players, using their magic for the benefit of those around them. They wouldn't take young children away from their families, instead they'd offer to guide those who possessed their magic, and train them to use it for good."

"My father was the first Watcher... the actual one. 10,000 years ago he decided to use his magic to help players and assist Admins. For about two eons, we were peaceful magic users, not feared monsters."

Then sadness fills her eyes.

"And then... as per usual with these sorts of things... someone ruined it."

She looks down at her shoes, biting her lip.

"His name was Xerox. One of my father's most trusted men, and an incredibly powerful Watcher. But when people have power... they want more. And so did Xerox. He and his followers attacked us, and killed my father."

"I don't really remember much. Only my mother hiding me in the ruins of a destroyed house and promising she'd come back for me. She never did. I'm not sure how long I was hiding, but when I came out, everything was different."

"Xerox had murdered everyone who stood against him, destroying everything my family built up. He attacked the Overworld, taking those who were born with Watcher magic and creating a horrible, new way to gain power."

"Once he found me and figured out who I was, he tried to kill me. He spent days torturing me, trying to make me die... but I couldn't. He was scared of my power, and what I could tell people. So he kept me trapped in his fortress instead."

"Once Xerox passed on, his successor had plans for me. He created a false role for me to induce fear in others, one that had no other power or purpose. The word was spread of a 'Prime Watcher', an immortal being who's power could destroy worlds."

"In reality I could do nothing but wander the halls. Anytime I tried to retaliate I'd be tortured again... so I eventually learned to stay quiet. I listened, spending my days thinking of ways to stop them from getting what they wanted."

"They're plan was to take control of a Watcher with gold magic. Every time it failed, resulting in the death of the one who possessed it. Grian is the first Watcher to have control over Gold Magic, which is why he's such a valuable asset to them."

I don't know whether to stay silent or offer Stella a hug or something. That's a lot to go through, especially seeing as she's been doing it alone this whole time. This sadness and grief is a side of her I've never seen before, and I hate seeing her like this.

I've finally admitted to myself that I have feelings, maybe romantic, maybe not, for Stella. I don't want her to feel this pain. I want to make it better, for whatever reason. I just want her to be happy. She deserves it.

There's more silence.

"Your feelings are confusing Nora"

"C-confusing?" I repeat

Stella leans in close to me, as if she's examining every detail of my face.

"Your feelings about me, that is."

She tilts her head a little

"Do you not like me?"

I stay silent.

"Do you like me?"

"I-uh... we need to go!"

Stella pulls back, looking a bit disappointed

"Uh... yeah. We do"

She purses her lips, eyes flicking off to the side, before standing up.

"They're entering Hermitcraft. That's our cue."

I take a deep breath, nodding.

"Let's do this"

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