Chapter 35

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Demetrius's POV

For the first time in over a decade, I have a happy dream, one of a memory I'd almost forgotten.

A young Nora, only 12, shows me something she made. Looking at it, I see it's a crown of purple flowers, the ones from the gardens outside. She smiles shyly, and holds up the flower crown.

"I made this for you"

I study the crown, a slight frown tugging at my lips. It's very well made, but I'm not particularly fond of flowers.

"I... I don't really-"

I stop when I see the disappointment on her face, her shining blue eyes full of sadness as she looks down at the ground. I didn't mean to upset her, so I smile.

"It's beautiful. I love it"

Those big eyes light up with excitement, and I let her place the ring of flowers on my head. She can't help but giggle, which only makes me smile more.

"I think it goes well with your hair. And your eyes, it matches them"

"Thank you Nora... I really like it" I respond, which seems to make her happy. Nora hugs me, which I don't at all expect. I hug her back, realising I missed the comforting feeling.

"Your wings are fluffy" she remarks, gently running her fingers through the soft, dark grey feathers

"So is your hair" I respond, laughing a little. It's short, only slightly longer then how most young boys would have their hair, (Nora had said long hair was a nuisance) and a golden blonde colour. I had mistook her for a boy at first, and happened to learn the hard way she can be very feisty if someone annoys her.

That's just one of the things I like about her I guess. She's quite different from the others, more confident and empathetic then most people I've met, including myself. She really isn't afraid to give her opinion, and is probably the most energetic person I know. And I've only known her for a year.

I've honestly grown quite attached to the girl. Despite others mocking me for being 'overprotective', that's the truth of this situation. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to her under my watch. She's too innocent, I couldn't bear to see anything happen to her.

When I wake up, I'm crying. Wiping the tears from my face, I smile at the memory of the dream. At least I got to remember it one last time. I'm not scared of what's to come, only glad it's happening. I'll never have to be a danger to Nora and Grian again. I'll never have my mind taken over and be forced to watch as my own hands injure them. I'm considering death to be escape from this pain.

I smile at the small flower crown beside me. I kept it, using magic to keep the flowers alive, even after I'd been taken advantage of by the Watchers. It had mostly gone ignored, just something in the background I'd never payed much attention to. But even after 15 years, it's still the most precious thing I own.

I hear a harsh knock on the door, and know they're here. Looking at the flowers, I let tears flow freely as I gently pick them up and place the crown on my head. I remember how Nora's gentle hands had done the same thing, and the happy smile on her face. I don't think about my fate, nor the fear I'm beginning to feel, only the small girl who brought me so much happiness.

I'm sorry I couldn't be good enough for you.

I'm sorry for all those times I hurt you.

I'm sorry for breaking your innocent heart.

And I'm sorry I never told you this.

I need to go now, but I'll see you again.

I promise.

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