Chapter 47

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Nora's POV

Growling and cursing under my breath, I struggle to open an old, broken umbrella with holes in it. Rain pours down onto me, soaking me through to the bone and making me even colder.

I'm about to give up when something blocks the rain and someone taps my shoulder. Turning, I see a young woman with fluffy magenta hair and soft, purple eyes, holding a black umbrella. Dark wings are partially hidden beneath a long cloak, and I can feel a huge amount of magic within her.

"You're a Watcher aren't you?" She asks

I don't respond, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

"I am too. I'm looking for someone... Grian?"

"Touch him and I'll kill you!" I immediately snap, forcing the stranger against a wall. Her eyes widen in fear, and she briefly struggles to try and escape my grip.

"W-wait! I'm trying to help him!"

I let go, tilting my head.

"Help him?"

"Yes. I know what would happen if the Watchers got their hands on him, and I want to try and stop them from finding him. I assume you're doing something similar?"

"Yeah... he's my nephew, I'm trying to protect him."

"Ah... and do you know where he is?"

"Like I'm telling you! For all I know you're lying to me and trying to get your hands on him too!"

"For all I know you're doing the exact same."

This makes me pause. She has a point. But I still don't trust her.

"Look, I've got this, ok? Just... just go and thwart some other huge plan or something"

I turn to leave, but the stranger grabs my wrist, a dead serious expression on her face.

"Trust me, you'll need my help. They're planning to act without command and find him, and that never ends well"

"Without command?" I repeat

"The Council has planned to attack the server he's on without the permission of The Prime Watcher. They'll do anything to find your nephew, and trust me, it won't end well if they do. They've already destroyed Grian's previous server and killed over 20 players to try to find him, they can do so much worse."

Her expression remains serious, but I can feel the fear inside her. She's clearly experienced what happens when the Watchers have power like Grian's under their control.

"You... you can feel my emotions. Can't you?" She asks

I nod, and her expression softens. She looks me straight in the eye, and I begin to feel more of her emotions. Fear, grief, concern, sadness, hope, anger, trust... It's unlike anything I've ever felt before.

"Do you trust me now?"

I try to speak but I can't. I manage a small nod eventually, feeling my cheeks go a little pink. This confuses me. Nobody's ever made me blush before, how come this person did?!

"You didn't know your magic could do that, did you?" She asks me with a smile, and I nod again.

"I can teach you to do that if you want"

I'm too embarrassed to do anything but nod, and she smiles again.

"Well then, let's find your nephew!"

"Wait. You can't go around looking like that, you'll raise questions"

The stranger looks down at her clothes

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