Chapter 67

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Cleo's POV

I wander toward the jail Scar built last month for the Turf War, feeling sick to my stomach. I think Joe saw me leave, but he didn't say anything about it. Sneaking inside and quietly closing the door behind me, I start to get the feeling that this is a bad idea.

Then I see False. She's sitting in the middle cell to the right, staring at the wall before her. The condition of the cell itself isn't as bad as I expected, but it's clear dealing with her injuries wasn't the Hermits' first priority.

"Hey Falsie."

"Don't call me that."

"You mad at me? If so, I can leave."

False exhales heavily, turning to face me. Despite only being in there for about 18 hours, she already looks sleep deprived and sick.

"No, please stay. I'm surprised you do."

"Me too." I admit, before pushing a roll of bread through the bars of the door. "That's for you."

"I don't want it."

"It's not poisoned. I swear." I tell her

"I don't want your help, is what I mean." False retorts bitterly "Not after what I put all of you through. I don't deserve it."

"I know you don't. But I also don't want you to starve, so take the bread."

False glares at me, before picking the roll up. She closely inspects it, still not fully trusting me, before deeming it safe and biting in.

"This is Stress's, isn't it?" She asks me, not looking up

I don't say anything, merely scooting a little closer to the bars and crossing my legs beneath me. Once she's done, she stands up from the bed she had been sitting on, before sitting down beside me on the other side of the door.

"You weren't allowed over here, were you?" False asks warily

"What makes you think that?" I ask with a bit of a smirk

"You're being nice to me. The others wouldn't." She points out

"Well I guess someone has to keep you alive."

"Why do you need me alive?"

"Oh, we don't. I just want you to stay alive."

"Why would you?" False asks

"Because you're still my Falsie, and you and I both know you didn't have a choice over what you did. Doesn't excuse you from doing it, but it doesn't mean you're a villain in this scenario."


"You're not a bad person, False, you've just done a lot of bad things. And the reason that doesn't make you a bad person is because you didn't want to do them."

"And how do you know what I want or don't want to do?" She demands

"Because I know you."

The two of us stay silent for a moment.

"I'm gonna make sure you'll be ok, I promise."

"Don't, Cleo." She sighs "Everyone here is better off with me dead, and that includes you as well. I appreciate that you want to help me, but just let me take punishment for what I've done."

False goes to stand up, and I help her to her feet. Her other hand slips into mine, the two of us as close as we can be to each other with the bars between us.

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