Chapter 8

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Grian's POV

My face is blank and emotionless, hiding the fear I feel as the tall Watcher, who's name I've learnt is Demetrius, stalks around the room, talking about some of the rules he didn't cover yesterday. His voice is monotonous, but has a cold, harsh tone to it that makes it clear you should listen.

My eyes drift to Xerea, who is incredibly stiff as she sits at the back of the room. Her arm is hurt. I can tell by the way she tries not to move it, and winces if someone bumps into her. Xisuma also found bandages in the room this morning, so it's probably a cut...

I almost lose myself in my thoughts when Ezra sharply elbows me, and my eyes snap back up to Demetrius. His magenta eyes always seem to be focused directly on you, no matter where he is in the room. And when he merely looks in your direction it's like he's judging every inch of you. I make the mistake of looking him directly in the eye, which seems to see through my body and read my thoughts.

"And lastly, entering my office is STRICTLY forbidden." Demitrius growls, gaze focused on Joe, X, Ezra and I, as if we might break this rule. I don't blink, gaining a bit of confidence as I stare right back at him. He then turns to leave the room. "20 minutes before your first class. East Wing and other classrooms are out of boundaries, you are expected to be back 9:00 am on the dot."

The children leave the room as quickly as possible, most heading outside to the huge garden. It's amazing, with black grass instead of green, trees and bushes with dark purple leaves and magenta flowers and even a few benches made of smooth obsidian. A two metre statue of a Watcher wearing a mask and robes stands in the middle, a gold plaque on it I don't bother to read. The whole garden fits right in here in The End.

I make sure to stick close to my roommates, slightly scared of the other children. Most seem timid and scared, but I don't trust anyone here apart from them and maybe Xerea. I bring back up the topic of Xerea being injured, but we're rudely interrupted by a tall, muscular boy who could probably pick me up and throw me across the garden if he wanted to.

"Who are you?" He asks, as if WE are intruding here. Joe, who seems like a fairly calm person, looks the boy in the eye, crossing his arms despite the fact he's at least a foot shorter then him.

"We're four roommates who are in the middle of a private conversation. If you wouldn't mind leaving it would be greatly appreciated"

The boy only snickers, two more boys coming over. They aren't as tall as him, but I'm willing to bet they could pack a heavy punch.

"Roommates? Thought they didn't put GIRLS in with boys." He jeers. I'm confused, before I see he's looking directly at Ezra, who's become incredibly quiet and self conscious, small tears in the corners of his eyes.

"I'm not a girl" he mumbles, voice cracking as the three boys laugh.

"Aw!" One of the other boys teases "She's crying!"

"Leave him alone!" Xisuma yells "You call my brother that one more time-"

"I'm sorry, what's going on here?" Someone asks. Xerea, thank goodness. She comes over with an unamused, disapproving look on her face. "Explain. Now."

"This guy is being weird and saying that GIRL there is a boy!" The boy growls, pointing at Ezra, who's now crying. "She's clearly a girl and she shouldn't be their roommate-"

"I've heard enough." Xerea scolds harshly "You three, leave these boys alone and go do something useful with yourselves. You guys, come with me"

She leads us away, the three boys giving X a filthy glare before leaving too. Once we're in a more private place she takes Ezra's hands in hers, crouching down to his height.

"Are you ok Ezra?"

"N-no... I hate it when p-people say I'm still a girl!" He cries, tears coming quickly.

Oh no... It clicks in my brain and I suddenly feel terrible for Ezra, and furious at that stupid boy and his transphobic friends. It's sounds like he's been purposefully misgendered before, and that really makes my heart break for him.

"Ok... I'll see to it those boys receive a clear message to never hurt you like that again. Now c'mon, I don't want you four being late and getting into trouble."

Ezra smiles, still crying a little.

"Thank you so much... I really appreciate it"

"No problem, know that you can always come to me or him with any problems. That's not something you can say about most Watchers"

Then she leaves, and Xisuma hugs Ezra protectively.

"You sure you're alright? I could still give that guy a bloody nose..." he mumbles into his twin's robes.

"It's ok. Trust me." Ezra laughs. "But thanks Suma..."

"Not even a kick in the shins?" X asks hopefully


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