Chapter 39

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Grian's POV

I look out over the beautiful world we've created, a happy smile on my face. It's been about a year, and sure enough, I've gotten really close to the Evolutionists, especially Taurtis.

He's sitting next to me, watching the sun go down from the hill we're sitting on. I'm happy, but something seems off with him.

"Grian?" He asks quietly "There's something I need to talk to you about"

I look over at him, humming in response

"Um... you know we had a sleepover with Pearl and Zee last week?"


"Well, you three fell asleep, and I was still awake. Then you rolled over right next to me... and I saw your arm."

My entire stomach seems to drop like a heavy stone. I unconsciously lift a hand to my right forearm, silent tears in my eyes.

"Are you a Watcher?" Taurtis asks, a glint of fear in his large, brown eyes.

"N-not anymore. I created Evo to g-get away from them... and to try protect you guys from them too"

I break down into tears

"If you want to hate me and tell the others, just do it"

"Why would I do that? You're my best friend Grian, I'm not gonna hold this against you for one minute."

"Really? But Watchers are-"

"Trust me, you're nothing like those monsters. I love you no matter what"

"Love me?" I repeat

Taurtis smiles

"Platonically... but yeah."

I snicker a little, before hugging him.

"Well if it's platonic, then I love you too."

We're interrupted by the sound of screams. Quickly pulling away, I look back down to see a horrible sight.


I barely have a second to register what's happening when a pained cry comes from beside me.

I turn in shock to see Taurtis clutching at the wound in his stomach as a masked Watcher pulls an obsidian sword out of his body.

I scream, running toward my friend as the world seems to slow around me. Obsidian swords are specially made to guarantee their victims won't respawn.

I wrench the blade out of the Watcher's hand, swinging it into their chest. They drop to the ground, dead, while I turn back to Taurtis.

He looks like he's in agony, which he must be. I desperately look around for anything to help him, when his bloody hand takes mine.

"Get... get the others out of here Grian. I'm not gonna make it"

"No... no you have to! Don't die on me Taurtis, please!"

"It's ok. I don't mind dying Gri. It might be sad for you, but I'm gonna be alright, trust me."

Taurtis smiles weakly

"Bye Grian"

Then he's gone.

I don't have 10 seconds before more Watchers advance on me, and I'm forced to leave his body behind.

Tears streaming down my cheeks, I take off running, passing by more bodies of dead Evolutionists.

"Dom!" I scream "Pearl!"

But no one answers. There's nobody left to answer.

The name Pearl seems to catch the attention of my cat, who begins to run after me with Maui close behind her.

I stop briefly to pick them up, my vision blurred by tears, before I begin to run again. There's no way I can make it all the way to the server portal in time, unless...

I let my golden wings out. They're much bigger then I remember, and stronger too. I take off, holding my cats close to me. Scanning below me, I see everybody else is gone, brutally slain by the Watchers chasing me.

I don't have time to mourn, flying faster to try escape the beings behind me. I can hear their yells getting closer, but the portal is close. Tumbling through the ground, I jump through.

But I'm not safe yet.

Xisuma's POV

I leave Hermitcraft, needing a bit of headspace for once. A year of failed attempts to bring my brother back has really messed with me, as well as the stress preparing for Season 6, which is less then a week away.

The Hermitcraft portal opens up in the Hub, before closing and disappearing as I step through. Almost immediately, I hear screams and yells.

Another server portal has opened up directly as cross the room, and someone crashes through, being chased by about twelve people in robes and masks.

I realise in horror that they're Watchers, before my eyes dart back to the one they're chasing.

He has messy blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, a torn red sweater, and beautiful, golden wings.

No, it can't be... there's no way...

"GRIAN!" I yell, running toward him. I grab his wrist, sprinting away from the Watchers. He doesn't recognize me with the helmet on, trying to escape my grasp as I pull up my Admin Screen.

The portal reopened before me, and I drag the both of us through. We fall onto the grass, and The Watchers are a step too late, the portal closing before any can get through.

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