Chapter 11

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I'm not even aware I fell asleep until I wake up. A face stares right back at me and I scream, jumping up and smashing my forehead against theirs.

Ezra yelps, holding a hand to his forehead, saying something about that leaving a bruise.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" I yell angrily

"You fell asleep" he mumbles

"Well go figure! And you decided to watch me sleep?"

"Not necessarily..."

I roll my eyes, Ezra smiling awkwardly

"We'll have matching bruises..."

"Yeah, just tell everyone we got into a fight" I snort

"Exactly!" He exclaims, the pair of us bursting into fits of laughter. Falling back onto the bed beside him, I can barely breathe anymore, my whole face pink.

"Seriously though... why were you watching me?"

"Oh... I was gonna wake you up... but I got... distracted" he mumbles, voice trailing off as his face turns redder then his shining ruby eyes.

"Aw! You think I'm cute?" I tease

"You're the one who called me cute!"

"What do you- oh... that"

My face now turns red, Ezra about to tear me when Xerea comes in. She seems tired, and looks like she's been crying. I swear, if that bitch Demetrius hurt her again I'll knock his block off. But I don't think it's that... she isn't hurt, I can tell.

It's strange how I'm able to do this, to tell how someone feels. Like reading thoughts, but it's only their emotions I read. According to Xerea, Nora was the same, so this could be because I was born to be a Watcher.

"Are you alright?" I ask. It's a stupid question, she clearly isn't ok.

"No... but I'll be ok. I'm afraid I can't say the same about you Grian. Demetrius has reason to believe you have incredibly powerful magic. Possibly strong silver, but some others reported seeing your eyes glow gold. This could be made up, but we're believing them for now.

Demetrius knocked you out once it became clear your magic is very strong, so we didn't see a blast and don't know for sure. They're considering doing it again in a more secure area."

"I don't want to do that again." I respond immediately "It was terrible"

"I said similar, seeing as you panicked so much the first time. Hopefully they'll find a different way to find your magic type out, but for now your body needs more rest. Both of you do."

Not rally wanting to go back to classes, I take the opportunity gratefully, laying my head back in the pillow, I wonder if anything will ever be the same in my life.

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