Chapter 28

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Grian's POV

I'm practically glued to my phone over the next few days, waiting for a message to come through from the Admin HQ.

I'd managed to find a very small apartment with an even smaller rent in the meantime. Sure, it was a bit messy and cramped, but it suited me just fine, being an admittedly small person who really doesn't care about messes.

At that thought, I remember the first time Ezra spoke to me, and how he had rather bluntly called me short.

I like that he's blunt sometimes, it can be funny, but also help me understand when he's not ok. It's just one of the many things I love about him.

My thoughts are interrupted by a ping from my phone. Eyes lighting up, I dash across the room, grabbing it to see what it says.

AdminHQ: Dear GRIAN, it is our honour to inform you...

I quickly open the email, reading the whole thing.

It is our honour to inform you of your acceptance into our Admin training course as a BRONZE Admin, starting tomorrow at 9:00, and continuing every weekday until 2:00. It's your decision how long to stay, though your minimal amount of years to receive your offered status will be explained tomorrow, along with rules and policies.

We hope you take this opportunity.

I feel an immense feeling of joy as I read the email over and over. This was it. I would be safe! Maybe I could find the others, and we could all stay happily together...

Finally, things are looking up for me. So, I decide to celebrate.

I can't help but notice the small skip in my step as I walk down paths toward my destination. With a bright smile, I head inside the Pet Shop.

I'd always wanted a pet, but our house was too small. Now that I finally had my own money from getting a small job, seeing as mining in the Main World isn't allowed, I was able to get a companion.

Looking around, I find myself face to face with a guy in a black and gold hoodie who really looks sick of his job, and a happy girl dressed mostly in purple. Their name tags read Ben and Sock, respectively.

"Hi!" Sock exclaims "I assume you're looking for a pet?"

I nod smiling back.

"Preferably a cat"

Her eyes light up at this

"Ooh! Good choice! Follow me!"

"Sorry... she gets exited when someone 'adopts' an animal." Ben sighs

Sock holds up a grey and white cat.

"If you want a loyal cat, you might want Jellie! She's very strong willed, but also quite protective"

I study the cat. She's very nice and cute, but it feels like she belongs to someone else, that she'd be loved by someone else more then me.

I explain this to them, and they nod understandingly. Then Ben holds up a small, silver cat.

"This is Pearl. She's very calm and quiet"

Sock roughly elbows him

"You know Pearl won't go anywhere without Maui! And I doubt he's gonna want TWO cats!" She whisper yells

I look at Pearl, and then at the larger cat who must be Maui. Both of them seem like lovely, caring cats, and have a special bone with each other. And I know how hard it is to be separated from someone you love.

"If they don't want to be separated I'll take them both" I calmly inform the arguing pair.

Both of them seem surprised by this.

"Are you sure?" Sock asks "Maui can be..."

"Troublesome" Ben mumbles

"Don't worry, I can handle it." I insist "I'd gladly take them both"

So after paying for the two cats, and Sock almost crying with happiness for said cats, I head back in my way home.

Yeah, things really are looking up.

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