Chapter 9

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Galactic is not easy. Conveniently enough, the first two sentences we're taught are 'My name is' and 'Sorry, my Galactic is terrible'. Joe already has those two nailed, and is quietly teaching himself more in the seat in front of me.

When its time for our next class, I'm relieved until, I realise Demetrius is teaching it. My timetable is in Galactic, so I can only assume the class is about controlling magic. Not teaching kids how to control magic doesn't seem like a good idea to me, especially seeing as Watcher magic is one of the most powerful in the world.

And I'm right, it is controlling magic. And the first thing that happens is another speech.

"There are three types of magic Watchers can possess. Purple magic, the most common and least powerful of the three, around as powerful as a Tier 2 Admin. I expect most of you to have purple magic. Silver magic, the second rarest and second most powerful. One, maybe two of you may have this. Lastly is gold magic, the most powerful magic known to players. Only one Watcher each century is gifted this magic, and to be completely honest, none of you have a chance."

I raise my hand

"Who was the last person to have gold magic?"

"Interesting question Xelqua. 120 years ago, a young girl named Zeira possessed such power. Power she could not control. She was only 12, and her anger and fear eventually led to her destroying both herself and an entire server with an explosion of raw magic. This is exactly the reason we have this class, so you may never hurt yourself nor anyone else with untamed magic."

Another girl raises her hand.

"How do we know what kind of magic we have?"

"That's the aim of today's class. To attempt to learn the magic you possess. The most common way is flooding you with overwhelming emotion, and unfortunately not a way you will enjoy. But it's the easiest way for a young one's magic to show."

Then he leads us outside, and we walk quite far from the school, stopping when it's barley visible. Confused, many are about to ask questions, but Demetrius answers first.

"The reason we're here is to avoid damage to the school in the likely event of a large magic blast. I highly recommend staying behind the bedrock walls that have been constructed for this exact reason. Now, I will call you one by one, and you will come here. I promise you, this won't hurt... not physically at least."

Well it sure looks like it does. I watch as kids cry, scream and yell until a blast of purple magic explodes from their weak bodies. It's scary to see them like that. Both Xisuma and Joe have purple magic, and Ezra's about to go next. I see the concern in his X's face, as he walks up to Demetrius, showing no fear. Demetrius only looks him right in his red eyes.

Then those same red eyes then go wide with the fear he had tried to hide, Ezra's entire body going stiff, his breathing heavy. Tears begin to fill the corners of his eyes, which he squeezes shut, holding his head in his hands.

"No... no please... I'm sorry!" He yells, trapped in whatever twisted nightmare Demetrius was giving him as his body shakes violently with tears and fear. Xisuma tries to run over and help him, as Ezra did when his brother was in that position, but Joe and I hold him back and try to stop him screaming for his twin. Just when it seems like Ezra is about to snap, a massive blast of silver magic blinds me.

Knocked back by the sheer force of the magic, kids stare in awe at Ezra, before he passes out. Xisuma wrestles out of my grip, sprinting over to his brother in panic.

"What happened?! Is he ok?!"

"He's passed out from magic exhaustion, he'll be ok in a few hours. Zieran and Qiuthus, bring Zenith to the nurse's office." Demetrius orders, pointing at X and Joe respectively, before he fixes his gaze on me.

"Xelqua, come here"

Trying not to tremble, I step up toward him. His purple eyes meet mine, and suddenly I'm falling down a deep hole, unable to scream. I realise I'm in my mothers house, confused, before I see her dead body on the foor, blood flowing from a deep gash on her neck as another version if myself stands over her, wearing a Watcher mask and holding a bloody dagger. I scream, running to help her when I'm falling again, this time watching from a window as a world explodes to peices, blood splattered across the red sweater I'm wearing. Then I'm staring at about 20 people, faces covered by shadows, as they're brutally slaughtered by Watchers...

Then everything fades to black.

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