Chapter 37

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Hels's POV

Ezra's been scaring me... he's been scaring us.

Coming and going, disappearing to go and terrorise his brother, getting angry whenever we call him by his name, and becoming more and more determined to kill Xisuma as each day went by.

The Vex's control was one thing, but this is different. This obsession with killing his own twin, the raw madness in his eyes whenever he spoke about him... it's terrifying. And there's nothing we can do about it.

BadTimes has been slowly spiralling into a rabbit hole of guilt, insisting that this is all his fault. I've been trying to convince him otherwise, but it's not working.

"We've lost him completely." My friend sighs, burying his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry."

"You said it yourself, Ezra's gone." I admit. "I don't know what kind of monster we've replaced him with, but there's no turning back now. I don't think the Vex can even control him at this stage."

 Xisuma's POV

Evil X appears several more times over the next two years, only growing more agressive and angry with me each time. We're now in Season 5, and he has yet to make another appearance. There's a constant dread in the back of my head that he might come back and hurt someone, and it's awful.

I find myself once again racking my brain for anyone who'd want to hurt me. He could be another Watcher, but I hardly spoke to anyone but my friends back there. Besides, they wouldn't send some scary guy who looks like an evil clone of me. Hermitcraft is a whitelisted server, so either there's magic at play, or this person knows their way around a bit of code.

Second, he's smarter then I'm willing to admit. It's not likely, but I don't yet doubt he could've hacked his way in here. I hardly know anything about this man, for all I know he's a technical genius.

And lastly, why he looks and sounds so much like me. The armour was easy enough to copy, but why he did it I don't understand. As to why he sounds like me, it might be the voice modulator on his helmet. Though that only sounds like it makes his voice more deep and scary, I don't think it could've made his accent identical to mine.

It's this in particular that confuses me, my accent is pretty unique. I only know two people with a similar one, Ezra and my human mother, and I highly doubt it's either of them, especially seeing as I don't even know where Ezra is. The only other thing they have in common to Evil X is their red eyes, and neither of them would try to hurt me.

Thinking about my parents makes me miss them, and also gives me an idea. They're both very smart, so maybe they could help me. Making up my mind, I head off in the direction of the nearest End Portal. Since elytras were added, travel has been easier, but it's still tempting to teleport there.

I'd been quite hesitant to tell my moms about this, seeing as they get VERY protective when they're worried for me. The last thing I need right now is my furious, part dragon mother storming out there and beating the crap out of Evil Xisuma. I'm not exaggerating, the first time Ezra got bullied by transphobes, my other mom had to stop her from going straight over and giving them a piece of her mind. And trust me, being yelled at by a six foot woman with dragon wings and horns is-


As I'm flying over spawn, I see a figure in red appear. Growling, I land behind a tree, getting a closer look at them. Surely enough, it's Evil X himself, probably come to try destroy the place. Again.

I pull out my sword, really not wanting to have to do this again. He hears me, turning with a satisfied smirk I can see, even beneath the helmet.

"Happy Halloween, miss me?" He asks, pulling his own sword out. Sure enough, it's actually Halloween today, but that doesn't lighten my mood.

"Look, I'm kind of in the middle of something, would you mind leaving me alone for once?" I growl, gripping my sword's handle and coming closer.

"Hmm, I'd rather not. It's quite amusing to see you so annoyed like this"

Evil X smoothly dodges my swing, before aiming a blow at my neck. I duck, still feeling the blade scrape the top of my helmet.

"Who are you, and why the heck are you doing this?!" I yell, ruthlessly swinging my sword.

"Still haven't figured it out?" Evil X teases, again dodging the swings perfectly. "You're just as stupid as I remember you."

"I've spent the last two years trying to figure out who you are! And stop acting like you know me so well, I don't remember knowing any assholes who tried to kill me"

This seems to anger him, as his swings become more vicious and less focused. Smirking, I continue to throw insults at him.

"Only a pathetic person would come after someone with no particular reason, you're just a coward who hides his face!"

"Well what if I do have a reason?!" Evil X spits

"Then tell me" I respond, raising an eyebrow "Or are you just a pathetic coward who's taking his feelings out on me?"

That's when Evil Xisuma suddenly snaps

"YOU DONT GET IT DO YOU?! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH YOUVE HURT ME!" He screams, ripping his helmet off of his head and throwing it to the ground. I freeze when I see his face, a horrible, sick feeling bubbling inside of me. His white hair and red eyes are immediately recognisable, and his face, almost identical to mine, can only belong to one person.

"Remember me now?" Ezra asks, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. His eyes are full of unrecognisable madness, and I feel like I'm going to puke, my entire stomach twisting in horror and disbelief.

"No... no it can't have been you! Why would you-"

"YOU LEFT ME TO DIE!" he roars, grabbing me by the neck and slamming me into a tree "YOU WENT OFF AND FORGOT ABOUT ME!"

"I'd never leave you! We got split u-"

"Don't lie to me. I'll never forgive you for this, so don't try make up excuses now" My brother growls

"What's happened to you? Ezra I love you! Grian loves you! I didn't leave you!"

"I don't know anyone called Grian you idiot. Stop trying to make excuses!" He yells, furious tears flowing down his face. He drops me, and I pull my helmet off to try catch my breath. I'm trying hard not to cry. I finally see my brother after nearly 5 years, and this is what happens. He turns out to be the madman who's trying to kill me.

"I'm sorry... please forgive me. I'm sorry you had to be alone all that time, and that I wasn't able to find you. Please, I don't want to fight you anymore"

Ezra glares at me, grip tightening around the hilt of his sword.

"Your mistake"

*Xisuma was slain by Evil Xisuma*

*EvilXisuma was banned by Xisuma*

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