Chapter 33

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Xisuma's POV

With a bright smile, I step into Doc's killing machine. It's not normally the kind of thing that makes you smile, but I had been eager to try it out. I wince slightly as a poison potion hits me, but I've gotten used to it. Waiting for Doc's arrow to hit me, I check to see who's online. It's just me at the moment.

Everything suddenly turns red as the arrow hits me. It works! Looking down at my death message, I expect to see

*Xisuma was shot by Docm77*

Instead though, it says something completely different.

*Xisuma was shot by EvilXisuma*

I respawn, checking my communicator. It still says Evil Xisuma. A chill runs up my spine. Evil Xisuma? Who the heck is tha-

That was weird. I swear I blacked out earlier, but I can't remember what happened. Shrugging, I decide to go prank Zueljin, it being April Fools Day. Making my way to his castle, I can't help but feel like something's wrong. I ignore the feeling as I reach his base, grinning. I go about changing his castle's walls from diorite to granite, then andesite, then prismarine, then endstone and finally quartz. Once I'm done, Zueljin comes back, staring in shock at the base.

"D-did you do this?!" He gasps

"Yep!" I respond brightly

"No way. You cheated! This castle had over 100,000 diorite in it, you can't have mined that much quartz!"

I feel annoyed at those words, scowling as he runs to check if I've even turned the tower to quartz. Following him, I stop when I hear a terrifying voice in my head.

'Kill him'

Alarmed, I continue to climb the stairs, but the voice persists.

'He's so ungrateful. How satisfying would it be to send an arrow through his heart?'

I'm now panicking, running to the top of the tower. Zueljin is staring at the quartz in pure awe. Then he turns to me.

"No way, you're ridiculous!" He gasps

I feel rage brewing inside of me as he rants on about how I used Admin commands to cheat. Maybe I should kill him, just to shut him up. Grinning darkly, I grab Zueljin by the neck.

"It's clear you don't appreciate my work" I spit, my voice darker and scarier. His eyes widen in fear, and he tries to escape my grasp. I throw him off the top of the tower, feeling a brief sense of success, before I black out again.

Funny, I forget what happened earlier, only that I passed out. I don't have time to be worrying about that though, I have a prank to play. Heading over to the crown hall, I see Sl1pg8r is here already. Smiling, my friend waves.

"Hey Shashwambam!"

I can't help but snicker. The Hermits have the stupidest nicknames for me.

"Hello there, coincidence you're here!" I respond "I actually have a special gift for you!"

Sl1pg8tr's eyes light up


"Yep!" I tell him, before motioning to the crown we're standing in "So as you know, we have Hermit Hills here, and then you have this crown hall smack dab in the middle. It's a bit of an eyesore, and it kinda blocks the veiw"

Sl1p frowns, not really liking where this conversation is going. I continue with my optimism, pointing to a button.

"So I have a button here for you to press, that'll sort all our problems out!"

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