Chapter 72

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Grian's POV

I can't remember the last time I felt this peaceful. Just lying in bed beside Ezra, with his head on my shoulder as he sleeps, snoring softly. No chaos, nothing to be scared of or worried about, and nothing to disturb us...


I jump up with a scream as 22 Hermits in pyjamas come crashing through the door. As you can expect with a large group of people running into a room at once, arms and legs get tripped over, which results in a pile of Hermits in the middle of the floor.

Sometimes I regret letting them stay at the Mansion while everything gets sorted out.

"Uhh... Merry Christmas?" Scar says awkwardly

"IT'S CHRISTMAS?!" I gasp, having totally lost track of what day it was. Getting excited, I vigorously shake my boyfriend awake. "EZRA GET UP ALREADY!"

"Huh?" Ezra mumbles "Oh, morning Gri."

He's about to roll back over, when he notices the pile of Hermits. His face goes as white as a sheet, and then as red as his eyes.

"G-GET OUT!!!"

"Calm down!" I giggle


"Merry Christmas to you too." I snicker, kissing him on the cheek.

"Wait, what."

Ezra pauses, clearly very confused, and starts counting on his fingers. After he gets to about 14, he turns to me.

"You could've told me Christmas was today."

"I found out about 20 seconds ago." I tell him, shrugging. "Thankfully I bought gifts 6 weeks in advance."

"I don't have gifts."

"That's fine, you don't need to." Iskall tells him, while squashed beneath Zedaph, Cub and BDubs. "Tango hasn't gotten me a Christmas present since... well...ever."

"My appreciation and approval as your friend is enough of a gift." The demon responds jokingly "What else do you demand of me?!"


"I was kidding."

Ezra ignores the other's shenanigans, clearly more distracted by something else.

"Um... where's Xisuma?"

"Oh, we were gonna wake him up too..." Impulse starts

"...But he's actually asleep for once..." Wels continues

"...So we didn't want to bother him." Stress finishes

"That's... reasonable." My boyfriend admits 

While the conversation continues, I'm busy panicking because I have absolutely nothing for Ezra. I didn't even know he was alive until 3 weeks ago, and Christmas presents haven't really been a concern of mine since.

That's when I remember something that might work, and awkwardly climb out of the bed.

"Um... I'll be right back, you guys go down without me."

And without a word I ignore the stares of confusion and leave to find my last minute 'gift'.

Ezra's POV

I've never celebrated Christmas with more than 3 people. And I've certainly never celebrated it... this much I guess. My mum would tell me some old man dressed in red would break into our house to give us presents once a year, and apparently you're supposed to be happy about it?

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