Chapter 54

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Nora's POV

Sometimes, when you love someone a lot, you do stupid things for them.

The unfortunate thing is that sometimes it doesn't end well for you.

The first thing I'm aware of is the sword.

Then the pain.

Everything else seems to go away, and all I can feel is the agony of the wound.

The girl gasps, pulling the sword out as I fall backwards. The faint sound of someone screaming my name reaches me, and my hearing comes back. I hear only quiet for a moment, before Grian screams my name.


The Watchers scowl, muttering something along the lines of 'retreat', and disappearing into thin air. They take the girl with them.

I take a deep breath, sitting up and hissing in pain as my nephew runs over.

"Why did you do that?!" Grian gasps, tears filling his eyes

"Well I didn't want you to get hurt. Probably not the best idea I've ever had, but hey, it worked." I mumble, smiling weakly.

"Oh god... we can get healing potions, you'll be ok I-"

Stella has come over, kneeling next to me. Grian looks at her desperately, the tears flowing down his cheeks now.

"You have strong magic, I can feel it! Is there anything you can do?!"

"Obsidian swords were designed to create unhealable wounds... I can't."

"Gri. It's ok. I think both you and I know I'm not making it out of this situation" I sigh

The pair fall silent, Grian accepting there truly is nothing he can do. My nephew rests his head on my chest, soundless tears flowing down his cheeks.

"You don't have to stay here if you don't want to." I whisper "You might be better off not watching this"

"But I don't want to leave you!"

"I'm going either way, I don't want this to be the last thing you remember about me"

"She... she has a point Grian." Xisuma tells him "Watching someone die is a memory that stays with you forever, and it'd be better off of it was a memory you didn't have"

He looks up at Xisuma, then back down at me, accepting that we're right. Hugging me again, he smiles sadly.

"Bye Auntie Nora"

Those words, as simple as they sound, mean the world to me. They carry all his love for me, and fill my heart with unbearable love for him.

"I'm proud of you Gri. Always was, always will be" I tell him

Then I watch as Xisuma lifts my nephew into his arms, taking him away to a place he'll be safe and ok, and I don't feel sad anymore. Knowing Grian will be alright means I'm at least dying for a reason, and at least I can leave the world knowing the person I love most will be alright.

Stella stays by my side, her hand slipping into mine.

"Why does everyone I love have to go away?"

She moves in closer to me, laying next to me and leaning her head on my chest without looking over at me.

"I-I love you Nora, I want you to know that. Even if you don't feel the same, even if you think I'm wrong for feeling this way... I want to stay with you. No matter where you are."

Then she looks over at me.

I don't know how to respond.

But maybe I don't have to.

I pull Stella into a gentle kiss, one that's only brief, but makes me happier than I've felt in a long time.

The two of us lie together in the grass, neither letting go of each other's hand as the sun sets over the beautiful meadow.

Nose touching against mine Stella brushes some of my hair out of my eyes, sharing her mind's thoughts with me.

'Maybe... if you have to go... maybe I can go with you'

'You can't... you're immortal, right?'

'I've had a long life Nora. And I'd rather give it up and be with you than fall into their hands again.'

'Are you... are you sure?'

'I don't think I've ever been more certain'

Having her with me makes dying a little less scary, and knowing she's gonna die too almost gives me comfort. At least one person I care about will be safe.

Stella reaches across to hold my hand, and for the last time shared her feelings.

And all I feel is love. Feelings so strong it seems to make everything else go away, all the pain and sadness, every scar and cut and bruise I've ever suffered. None of it matters anymore.

As I close my eyes, I don't let go of her hand, I don't think of anything but that love I feel. It's as if it's surrounding me, like a warm blanket of her embrace. And even as everything else disappears, as life slowly leaves my body, I can still feel love...

Grian's Love...

Rae's Love...

Stella's Love...

And then it's all gone.

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