Chapter 66

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Grian's POV

When I wake up back in the Mansion, I can't feel anything. I feel drowsy and dizzy, like I'm still half asleep, and it's hard to open my eyes. When I manage to open them, I hear whispering. Or maybe something's wrong with my hearing. It doesn't really matter does i-

Like someone just turned a light switch on in my head, I remember what happened before I passed out, sitting up in a panicked state.

"Wh-where... where's- where's..."

I feel like I can't breathe, the shock of what happened overwhelming me. I want Ezra, where is he?! I need to know he's safe!

"Grian! Grian I'm here, it's ok!"

Ezra's by my side without hesitation, holding my hands in his. He's changed clothes into an oversized red sweater, a little like mine, shorts I can't really see beneath said sweater, and grey socks. 

"It's alright, we're all ok now."

I start to calm down as he sits beside me, holding me close to him as he gently runs his fingers through my hair. And it's almost alien, this feeling of knowing I'm alright, that he's alright, and that there's no danger anymore.

"You're safe."

That's when I get the horrible feeling that I'm being watched, and turn to see every single Hermit staring at us.

"So, who's this?" Cub asks slowly, as Iskall tries desperately to hold their laughter in. "He hasn't spoken since he got here."

"This is my brother, Ezra." Xisuma explains "And they're kind of in the middle of something so would you mind GETTING OUT?"

"Nah, it's fine." I tell Xisuma "I was asking for it."

"For brothers, you look nothing like each other." Etho muses

"You never told us you had a brother!" Beef points out

"Believe it or not, you actually know me already." Ezra admits.

Xisuma looks alarmed at those words, shaking his head furiously and mouthing "Don't tell them!" over and over. Ezra, being Ezra, ignores him.

"I don't recognise you." Stress says, confused.

"We'd certainly remember Shishwammi having a brother." Keralis tells him

Ezra reaches under my bed, where I keep his helmet, and slips it onto his head.

"Recognise me now?"

The Hermits' faces are priceless, so full of pure shock that I can't help but laugh.

Ezra pulls the helmet back off again, smiling shyly.

"So... hi."

"Damn. He's more attractive than I expected him to be." Ren admits

"Hey!" I snap "He's also taken, thanks!"

I'm too late to stop myself. Everyone except Mumbo, who knows, Xisuma and Joe stare at me in confusion, before they get it.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Doc yells, throwing his arms up in the air. "Of all the BILLIONS of people alive, you fall for this guy?!"

Ezra looks incredibly uncomfortable and guilty at those words, and I go full on protective-boyfriend mode on Doc.

"Hey! I knew and loved him before he did all the awful stuff, and he didn't have any control over it so leave him alone! He's-"

"Grian, please stop. I know you mean the best, but I think I'd better do this on my own." Ezra tells me calmly, placing his hand on mine.

Then he awkwardly addresses the Hermits.

"So... all that stuff I did to you guys, I want to apologise sincerely for it. This isn't the kind of person I really am, and I hope I can make it up to you in some way. Especially you Xisuma, I've put you through so much pain in particular."

"But you had no control over what you did!" Xisuma protests "It wasn't your fault!"

"I know, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't apologise."

There's more silence, until Xisuma manages to usher the rest of the Hermits out of the room, leaving just Ezra and I.

"It's so strange to know you're ok. I've been so worried about you for so long... I'm not fully able to believe that you're here."

He smiles, gently stroking my hair.

"Would you believe me if I did this?"

I know exactly what's coming, but I still end up surprised when he kisses me. It's only brief, unfortunately, which disappoints me, until I have an idea and can't help but grin.

"Hmmm... I don't think I believe you enough. Maybe you'll have to convince me a little bit more."

"Bastard." He laughs, kissing me again. I pull him on top of me, lying back on my bed with my arms wrapped around his neck. We stop kissing at some stage, but stay there, lying side by side until we eventually drift to sleep.

I smile. There's finally peace in my life, and I'm making sure it stays this way.

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