Chapter 55

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Xisuma's POV

I carefully lay Grian down on a bed, the blonde having passed out a long time ago.

Everyone is tired, hurt, and confused.

I don't want to have to explain things, now or ever. I just want to lie down on my bed and never wake up again. But I have to tell the Hermits this. I can't put their lives in danger and not say anything.

Stress, Tin, Cub and Joe are doing their best to try help with injuries when I exit the small tent we've put up. Most of the Shopping District is in ruins, save for a few buildings near the edges, it wasn't safe to put the severely injured in one of the buildings.

All eyes turn to me.

Expecting an answer.

Wanting an explanation.

I stay silent, too tired and emotional to say anything.

"Xisuma do... do you need a healing potion or..."

Joe's voice trails off, and then I just seem to crack, silent tears slipping down my cheeks as I let out a choked sob.

"I'm sorry! I-I tried to... to keep you safe from them!"

"From... those people?" Zedaph asks, holding onto Impulse and Tango protectively.

"Who were they?" Doc questions

"If you don't mind us asking" Stress adds

I take a deep breath, briefly closing my eyes, before looking up at Doc to answer his question.

"Those were Watchers"

The Hermits fall silent, faces a mixture of disbelief and concern.

"W-Watchers? They're not real though... right?" Python asks, fear in his eyes.

"Yeah, I thought they were a story made up to scare kids" BDubs adds

"They're very much real. I should know"

I look up at the Hermits, breifly considering telling them...

I decide not to.

"Once everyone's healed enough, I want you to pack your things. It's not safe here anymore."

Tango looks up at me, concerned.

"Wait... are you saying..."

"Yes." I reply, standing up.

"We're moving to Season 7."

Hels's POV

I come across BadTimes sitting by himself, tears in his eyes as he pulls his knees to his chest.

"H-hey Helsie." He mumbles as I walk in. "Uh... things have gone... badly."

"What does that mean?" I ask slowly, sitting down beside him.

"Watchers got onto Hermitcraft to kidnap Grian but failed. But... two people died."

He watches as concern crosses my face, and sighs.

"Don't worry, it wasn't Xisuma or Grian himself." He quickly adds. "It's still sad though... and now, for whatever reason, I'm sad too."

"It's called empathy, dumbass." I tease, trying my best to cheer him up.

"Oh shut up." He teases back, elbowing me lightly. "You know what I mean."

Then he goes quiet for a moment.

"They... they're gonna move worlds in a few days." BadTimes tells me. "At least we can try and fix what we've done to Ezra."

My heart sinks a little when I think about Ezra. He's been gone for over a year now... I don't even know if he's still alive. 

"He'll be ok." My friend assures me. "The Void is a cruel place, but he can survive."

"I hope you're right..." I admit. "But we need to get to Xisuma as soon as we can. I don't want him to be stuck there for any longer than necessary."

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