Chapter 14

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I wake up ridiculously early in the morning, nearly a month after I first found feathers in my bed.

I now have tiny golden wings on my back, which I'm very proud of, despite their small size. Auntie Nora showed me her own ones, which she usually hides with magic, like most Watchers.

She told me using magic to conceal my wings when they were still this small was a bad idea, as it might damage the bones as they grow. It makes sleeping a nuisance, but I think others have worse problems.

The reason I wake up is because I hear sniffles from the corner of the room, where Ezra sits, hugging his knees to his chest. His small, black wings wrap partways around his shoulders as he cries.

"You ok?" I ask softly, sitting down on his bed beside him.

"St-Stupid binder won't go on because of my wings!" he cries, pulling his knees closer to him. I'm surprised he'd even admit that to me, considering how sensitive he is about this subject.

"Can you not cut holes in it?"


"Ok... do you have anything you can wear instead?"

"Yeah... but then everyone would be able to see that I'm trans!"

"Screw what other people see! You're Ezra and that's finals. Nobody can change that."

"What about the morons who've teased me for the last two years?!"

"You said it yourself! They're morons!"

"But... I- I'm scared..."

"It's ok, I'll protect you from anyone who tries to hurt you" I assure Ezra, taking his hands and looking him right in his red eyes with a smile.

"...thank you Grian"

"It's no problem, as long as you're ok and happy so am I. And no matter what you look like, you're still the Ezra I love."


My cheeks immediately light up red.

"I mean as a friend!!!"

"Suure you did" he teases

"Stop it!"

"Aw! Grian likes me! I'm flattered!" Ezra continues between giggles, and then my cheeks turn even redder.

"Were just friends, right?" He asks, eventually calming down.

"Yeah..." I agree quietly

I wish it was that simple.

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