Chapter 16

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Every situation comes with positive and negative outcomes. This one definitely did.

The positive thing is that I now have a boyfriend.

The negative thing is that Demetrius has found his new punching bag.

Cuddling up to Ezra with my head leaning on his chest, he gently strokes my hair, small tears forming in the corners of my eyes. A red mark is on my cheek as a reminder of how hard he hit me this time

The two of us have decided to try keep things private for the time being, seeing as relationships are strongly discouraged among Watchers.

Ezra must think I'm asleep, because he doesn't say anything. I see he's holding a small photo of four happy people. Two boys, who I instantly recognise as Ezra and Xisuma, and two women I don't know.

The first has short brown hair, freckles across her nose, and bright red eyes. The second woman is like no one I've ever seen before. She has long white hair tied back in a loose ponytail, purple eyes, small black horns, and dragon wings.

"Who's that?" I ask, making Ezra jump a little.

"Oh... that's just my family"

"You have very interesting mothers" I tell him, wanting to know the story behind them.

"Oh... I assume you mean the one with the dragon wings?"

"Yep, kinda explains where Xisuma got his."

"Yeah, that would be her. The whole thing is a bit of an odd story"

"Are they your biological parents?"

"Yeah... like I said, it's weird."

"I like weird" I tell him, giving him a cute grin I know he can't resist.

"Ok fine... my mom, the woman with brown hair, once fell into the Void. My Mama rescued her, and stayed with her until she was ok again. They began to take a bit of a liking to eachother, and eventually fell in love."

My mom wanted kids more then anything, and so my Mama used magic to make her pregnant. Well, it ended up being twins, as you might've guessed by now, but they always said two kids were much better then one."

Then his face falls, and he sighs.

"But of course we just had to be born on the 1st of January, so they only got 11 years with their precious children before we were taken away"

Then he looks down at me.

"I just told you something nobody else knows about me. Your turn"

I go a little tense. There's only one thing people don't know about me. Something I shouldn't tell him... but I trust Ezra.

"Um... Xerea's my Auntie"


"Xerea... is my Auntie"

"Ok... I wasn't expecting that"

"Neither was I to be honest... but please don't tell anyone else. She could get killed for this"

"My lips are sealed" he promises, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"You missed!" I pout


I start to giggle

"You missed!" I repeat, kissing him on the lips. He laughs a little before kissing me back.

"I love you Gri"

"Love you too"

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