Chapter 23

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Hels's POV

Everything seems to be going as planned, although I'm not as happy about it as you'd think I'd be. Ezra's memories of his friends are slowly being forgotten, love for his brother becoming hatred for a man who wronged him.

I fuel these thoughts in him, praising him for them sometimes. What little doubt he has in me quickly disappears by the New Year.

"Happy Birthday" I tell Ezra with a smile, coming into the cave after an hour of steali- borrowing from a nearby town. He gives me an uncertain frown.

"How do you know it's my birthday"

I roll my eyes, a smirk tugging at my lips.

"I know more about you than you think, Ezra."

This clearly makes him uncomfortable, and he subconsciously crosses his arms over his chest, pulling his knees in a little closer to him.

"I... I know that too... sorry."

I'm genuinely apologising, something I don't really tend to do. I know how much hurt he's felt because of who he is, and how much hate he's gotten because of it. I guess something in my heart really has softened for him.

Then I pull a small, white, paper bag out. I try to give a real smile, probably looking like a dork in the process.

"I also know you like these" I tell Ezra, handing the bag to him. "I guess it's a birthday present?"

Curiously, he opens the bag, red eyes lighting up when he sees the 6 cookies inside.Then suddenly he throws his arms around my waist and squeezes me. I'm not uncomfortable, but I'm very confused.

"Um... what are you doing?"

"I'm hugging you!" He responds "You do know what a hug is... right?"

It feels vaguely familiar, but I can't remember why. The feeling is unsettling, I don't like it.

"Uh...Good news, I managed to get beds." I tell him, pushing him away a little.


"Same place as the cookies." I admit. "I... borrowed them."

Ezra laughed a little, jokingly pushing me away from him.

"You're a bad influence." He joked.

"Well... Maybe that isn't so much of a bad thing." 

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