Chapter 15

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Staring at the mask in my hands, I want to throw it on the ground and watch it smash into a million pieces. Looking back up at my best friend, I feel a red hot anger boiling inside of me.

How was I supposed to fight Ezra? I know he'd respawn, but the idea of hurting him upsets me. I don't want to hurt people. I want to protect them. The anger is slowly replaced by fear, which becomes guilt.

My magic is stronger then his and everyone in this room knows it. Even if he were to respawn, he could still end up with a broken arm. I hate this stupid place. I hate The Watchers, making us fight each other in front of half the school. Putting me against Ezra on purpose.

I feel a harsh hand grip my shoulder, and a cold breath down my neck that sends shivers down my spine.

"Put the mask on Xelqua" Demetrius calmly tells me in Galactic, though I can hear the harshness in his tone.

Reluctantly, I lift the training mask to my face, the world taking on a purple hue for a moment, before turning normal again. Looking at the sword in my hand, I note how it's slightly sharper then the training ones.


I can immediately tell neither of us wants to fight the other, as we only throw small spells we know can be easily blocked. Demetrius isn't impressed, shooting me a glare.

Switching to using our swords, I'm able to deflect every swing Ezra throws at me, despite the fact his PVP skills far outdo mine.

A sudden pain strikes me, like a bad migraine, and I begin to move in ways I can't control, throwing powerful spells at my friend, whose eyes quickly widen in alarm as he attempts to block them.

I can't control my body at all, swinging the sword at Ezra viciously and without mercy. He still doesn't want to hurt me, trying still to deflect my blade. This doesn't work well for him, as I deliver a ruthless blow, slashing the side of his hip.

Horrified at what I've just done, I use every bit of willpower I can possibly muster to tear the mask off my face. I go to run to Ezra, but Demetrius grabs me by the back of my robe.

"Stupid boy!" He hisses "Finish Zenith NOW!"

I look him right in the eye, trembling with fear, but I gather my courage to stand up for Ezra.


"What did you just tell me?!"

"I said NO" I repeat angrily, before being hit across the face. I fall to the ground, Demetrius kicking me in the stomach and giving me one last filthy glare before leaving the room.

Nora, who has been struggling to get to me as someone held her back as to not let her get in trouble, breaks free of their grasp, running toward the two of us.

"Are you ok?" She asks me

"No... help Zenith, not me" I cough, bits of blood coming out as she heads over to help Ezra. My injuries pale in comparison to his, as he's passed out from blood loss at this stage.

The combination of being hit had across the head, and the pounding pain still in my head, my vision blurs and I feel faint. The last thing I remember is someone yelling my name before I pass out.


I wake up to see the familiar walls of the dorm room, my thoughts immediately going to Ezra. Sitting up, I spot him across the room, and beeline straight toward him.

He's awake, and smiles when he sees me. I take note of the fact he isn't wearing his binder, just a crop top and shorts. I'm careful not to look directly at his chest for fear of upsetting him.

"Sorry, I needed to take it off so I could breathe properly" he tells me, seemingly reading my thoughts. "I apologise if it makes you feel awkward"

"No, it's fine. But are you ok? I didn't want to hurt you... I think it was Demetrius and that stupid mask"

"I know it wasn't you Gri. I'm not doing too great though."

He pulls the sheets back to show me the bandages on his waist. Blood has slowly begun to seep through them from the large gash. I feel terrible, like I'm going to cry.

"They gave me healing potions down in the Med room, I'll be ok. It isn't your fault Grian" he reassures, letting me rest my head on my shoulder. He runs his fingers through my hair like my mom used to, and I can't help but blush intensely.

Ezra smiles.

"You like me don't you?" He whispers softly. I nod my head, my whole face pink as my heart pounds in my chest.

"I think I like you too"

He gently presses his soft lips against mine, and my eyes widen in surprise, before I close them and begin to kiss back. I've never kissed anyone before, us but I like it more then I'm willing to admit.

After a moment, Ezra pulls away, the two of us blushing a lot. He smiles shyly.

"That... was nice"

"I think it was too" I agree, resting my head back on his shoulder as the two of us fall asleep.

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