Chapter 6

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"You are all here for the same reason"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat as I look around at scared children, their eyes fixed on The Watcher as he continues.

"You are SPECIAL. More so then the Admins and Players. You are POWERFUL. In six years time some of you may even be able to destroy worlds with the magic you've been blessed with. And lastly, you are all here so we can train and control that magic."

X, Joe, Ezra and I seem to be some of the few people who don't seem to buy this. Considering this man also hurt Xerea, I don't want to trust him.

"Now, don't think you may skip around these halls as if you have no burden to bear. You will. The next six years will push you harder then anything else. Punishment will be in order for those who do not obey our rules and command."

Then his expression softens to a smile, but there's still something sinister lurking in it. Then his violet eyes land on me.

"But you needn't worry about that quite yet... I'm sure all of you will be PERFECT."

He then looks up at the rest of the group.

"Now, on to some important subjects. One, English and other languages will only be tolerated for so long. In six months time I expect most communication to be in Galactic, with the exception of mistakes. By your second year we will be less understanding of these slip ups. By third year I expect fluency from all of you."

"Second, names. Your names given to you at birth, however much you may like them, weaken you. They soften you when used, and softness is a Watcher's downfall. Which is why you will be given a new name. One that will empower you. Unlike the Galactic, mistakes will only be tolerated for 2 weeks, by which we hope you can try to forget your birth name and respond ONLY to your new one."

The Watcher takes a step toward us.

"Please line up before me in an orderly manner, and your new names will be given."

I nervously shuffle behind Ezra into a line, Joe behind me, and Xisuma in front of Ezra. My breathing is heavy, and my head spins, and it's only when Joe taps my shoulder that I realise I'm two spaces from the front of the line.

Xisuma stands before the Watcher, who studies his face carefully.

"You are brave... intelligent... a born leader... I'd almost say you'd make a fine Admin. But you are Zeiran. You will become a leader among Watchers, a commander over players."

Nodding, Xisuma quietly walks back to his seat, Ezra stepping forward. The Watcher smiles.

"Twins... very rare here. And so are you. You're rebellious, strong, full of rage... you would protect your brother even if it meant death... you are Zenith. You will be a powerful fighter by Zieran's side."

Ezra said nothing, merely glaring at The Watcher as he returns to his place beside Xisuma.

Then, trembling, I step forward. As the Watcher stares at me, I feel his eyes looking into the very depths if my soul, studying my personality like it's a book.
Then his expression softens.

"You're heart is full of love and empathy for those around you. You also have a strong determination to protect... I have only seen one person like you before. You are special..."

"You are Xelqua"

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