Chapter 29

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Hels's POV

"Let's get out of this shithole and do something toda-"

 I drift off mid sentence as I look over to see Ezra trying not to cry, wrapping a pair of beautiful black wings around him like a blanket.

I don't get why he hides his wings. They're amazing. I mean I guess there's the issue with his binder, but it's not like I'll judge him for not wearing it.

Biting my lip, I gently wrap my arms around Ezra... I hug him. It's very awkward, but it seems to be helpi-


Uh Oh.

The hug becomes a firm grip as Ezra thrashes around, screaming.


Panicking, I try to remember a sleep spell as I'm scratched at and punched. It clicks on my brain just in time, and Ezra goes limp in my arms.

Laying his sleeping body on his bed, I sit on my own with a heavy sigh. How did he get past the magic? That's not supposed to happen...

I look back over at him wistfully. I can't keep doing this. It's wrong. It's hurting him. My heart's getting tangled up in my magic and making it worse.

"I don't want to do this anymore" I sigh, knowing he'll hear me. And he does.

'I think you're forgetting something...' A tired voice in my head tells me, echoing in my skull.

There's a cloud of pale blue fog, and a masked figure appears before me.

"We kind of have to, Hels." BadTimes sighs.

"And would you stop calling me that?!" I demand, throwing my hands up in the air. "I know I can't remember my real name, but you can at least pick something better!"

"Well tough. I resurrected you, so I get to call you whatever I want, and personally I think that Hels suits you." He teases.

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms and sticking out my tongue at him.

"We're going too far." I point out. "Making Ezra help us is one thing, but making him forget everyone he loves? I know the Vex are cruel, but-"

"But nothing. They're cruel, and that's the end of it." BadTimes sighs. "Besides, last I checked, you agreed to this plan."

"Neither of us had a choice." I remind him. 

"Oh well, it's like the situation with your name I guess." The  Vexling shrugs. "They're in a higher position, so they get to do whatever they want with us. Consider yourself lucky that you're not dead... again."

"Oh shut up, I know you hate this as much as I do."

"You get used to it." He replies. "It was the same when I had to recruit you on their behalf, but I eventually accepted that there was nothing I could do about it... and suddenly I didn't feel bad anymore!"

He can still see that I'm upset though, and goes a little quiet.

"Look, we're almost done with Ezra anyway. Just another week or so and we'll never have to mess with his head again."

I don't respond, simply nodding.

"Yeah, let's just get it over with."

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