Chapter 17

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"Why are we here again?" Ezra groans

I rub the sleep from my eyes, my boyfriend incredibly bored as he lays across the velvet seat, head resting in my lap. We'd spent the last 2 hours in the library after Joe insisted he'd found something important. The person in question sighs heavily, closing yet another book as Xisuma scribbles notes.

"I have very good reason to believe we're being lied to" he claims, burying his nose in another book. Ezra only scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"What else is new?" He asks sarcastically "Does it matter?"

"Yes it does" Joe responds, a hint of frustration in his voice "Demetrius told us The Watchers have been around for 10,000 years. But there's a plaque on the statue of the 'First Watcher' in the gardens that said he was born 8,000 years ago. There's no way they'd make a mistake like that and put the plaque up anyway, meaning that man was NOT the first Watcher, and that there's a whole 2,000 years of history we haven't been taught about!"

"The only reason they wouldn't tell us about it" Xisuma continues "Is if something happened they wouldn't want us to know about. So Joe and I want to learn about that time period they never taught us about, seeing as they're clearly trying to hide something. But it seems all the books containing said information have been removed from the library. Meaning there's only one place they could possibly be hidden, the one place forbidden to all students..."

"Demetrius's Room" I whisper quietly, before shaking my head as I realise where this is going "No! No! Not in a million years! We're only 6 months away from escaping this hellhole, I'm not fucking things up at the last minute"

Ezra nods in agreement, getting up so that he's sitting in my lap

"Besides Suma, wouldn't they have just burned the books if they didn't want us knowing?"

"Nope" Joe replies "Every history book here is indestructible for this exact reason"

Tilting his head curiously, Ezra attempts to pull pages out of one of the books. It of course doesn't work, so he pulls harder, scrunching up his nose and crossing his eyes in frustrated determination. His expression is honestly adorable as he lets all hell loose on the book. Eventually he realises the three of us are staring at him.

"Um... I can confirm that they're indestructible" he mumbles, drawing a giggle from me.

"You're too cute for this world" I sigh kissing his forehead

"I could say the same about you" he replies with that adorable grin of his, kissing me back on the lips.

Were like this for a while until Xisuma quietly clears his throat

"You two done?"

"Oh fuck off Xisuma" Ezra grumbles "You're just sad because nobody loves you"

"Shut the hell up!" X interrupted. "This could be very important! Whatever he doesn't want us knowing could change a lot of things! For all we know, it could have an affect the entire history of the Watchers! Reveal some dark secret that could be their downfall!"

To be 100% honest, ruining whatever plan the Watchers have and stopping the kidnapping of children seems like a great idea to me. I'll never forgive them for tearing me away from my mother 5 years ago. Clenching my fist tightly, I nod.

"I'm in."

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