Saying Farewell

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A week later I was sitting at my kitchen table staring at the letter I had received from Dr. Abraham Erskine. He has asked me to become his assistant of some kind.

I was basically an assistant before he offered me this role however, this letter seemed more rewarding and sounded like it could lead to somewhere else. He wanted help with his serum he has been making over the past few years. He wanted my opinion on everything. Not many people listen to women, especially smart women involved with science and math. I had already wrote back to him agreeing to his terms. I had already left college and was ready to begin my new life. It had to be more exciting than the one I'm living currently.

As I stared at the letter in my hands though I blinked away my tears. Today was the day Steve was leaving for training. It would be months till I saw him again. I still can't imagine a day where I can't walk down the street to see either Steve or Bucky. I let one tear fall before wiping my eyes and finally putting the letter down which I've read nearly a hundred times. I sigh and sniff before standing up and tying my laces making me way to Steve's house to possibly say goodbye.

I immediately pushed that thought out my head and walked up to his door. I pushed it open and noticed his parents weren't home. I climbed the stairs to find him zipping up his bag. He smiled at me.
"Ali hey."
"Hey. You all packed up?" I greeted, my hands slightly trembling with the horrible feeling I had.
"Yep. All ready to go." He smiled at me.
"Ok." I said slowly looking around his room taking it all in.

He noticed my weird mood.
"Ali, are you alright?"
That was all it took.
I let out a breath and sat on his bed facing away from him. I immediately put my head in my hands and let out a sob.
I never cry. The only people that have seen me cry are Bucky and Steve.
But having to say goodbye to the most important person of my life while he has to go fight in a war. I couldn't take it.

We were in a crib together. I didn't want him to go.

"Hey! Ali, Ali. Hey, look at me." Steve was immediately by my side.
He crouched in front of me and pulled my hands away from my face. He wiped away my tears and held my hands in his, rubbing the back of them soothingly.
I stared at them intertwined.
"I'm sorry." I cried.
"It's ok."
"I just-I just don't want to wake up every morning knowing my two best friends are practically giving their lives and I can't do anything about it." I cried.

Steve sighed and sat by me pulling my crying figure into him. He stroked my hair as he talked to me.
"Ali I promise you, I will come back to you. So will Bucky, we are not leaving you."
"Steve. Please don't make promises you can't keep." I spoke in his chest, playing with the buttons of his shirt.
"I will keep it. I'm not leaving my best girl here by herself." He smiled.

I chuckled into his chest.
"I'm your only girl."
"I know. Your the only one I need. I promise when I come back I'll spend every minute with you. I may even take you dancing."
I laugh again and smile into his chest hugging him tighter.
"Please don't leave me."
"I have to Ali. But I will make it back to you. Whatever it takes."

I pulled away from him and looked at him. He brought his hand up to my face and I leaned into his touch. With his other hand he brushed away the hair from my face.
"I love you. I'll be back sooner than you know it."
"I love you too." I smiled.
I gave him one last tight hug, which he returned before I helped him with his bags and took him to the train station.

My tears had long gone since then and I put on a smile as I waved him off. I didn't leave till the train was completely out of sight, even then I sighed and walked slowly home.

But little did I know I'd be seeing him sooner than I thought.

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