Happy Birthday

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I could feel the glint of the warm summer sun peaking through my eyelids. I was slowly awakening from my deep sleep, my senses were starting to come around as well. I started to hear the faint sounds of song birds outside my apartment and I now felt the warmth of my bed and I realised how comfy I was.

I stretched out a little to grab onto the muscular blonde who should be sleeping next to me. I found his arm in my movements and brought it down into my chest to cuddle it, earning a deep chuckle to arise from the man sleeping next to me.

I still didn't open my eyes yet and smiled slightly, enjoying the comfort his presence brought me. I soon felt his steady breath tickle the back of my neck making my smile grow but I teased him and didn't open my eyes. I felt him move around and soon his lips made contact with my cheek.

I giggled softly at the contact. I could feel his growing smile against my face. He repeated this action all over my face and neck, pampering me with kisses. After he had ensured he covered my whole top half he stopped and pulled away.

I finally opened my eyes and blinked slightly under the bright lights to see, the super soldier hovering over me. His left hand was playing with my hair and his right was holding him up over me. I pout slightly.

"You missed." I whisper making the blondie laugh at my child-like behaviour.
"Did I?" He smirked.
"Steveee. Yes." I whine as I try and move. However, he didn't let me and quickly pinned me down to the bed and started to tickle my sides.

I swear that was the only weakness I had. I hated being tickled.

I squealed and laughed loud trying to escape his deathly grip.
"STEVE! STOP!" I managed to get out in between gasping breaths.

He finally stopped and he was laughing his ass off too. I breathed out deeply trying to catch my breath. He is still hovering over me and looks deeply into my eyes.

I almost get lost in his crystal blue ones. They held so much emotion and memories within them. He reaches down to push some of my hair out my face. I watch him intently never breaking eye contact. He then antagonisingly slowly, leans down to softly place his lips upon mine.

It was short but held so much love. When he pulled away, his eyes fluttered back open and a smile graced his lips.
"Happy birthday Allison." He whispered, making me smile brightly.

A few hours later we had breakfast, which Steve graciously cooked for me. I was then dressed up in a pair of black skinny jeans, ankle boots, a white polo shirt tied at my waist with a lacy bralette peaking through the v-neck, along with some gold jewellery to match my look. Steve had dressed in dark wash jeans and a black polo shirt. Even though it was simple he looked so good. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

Tony had invited Steve and I round to the tower along with the rest of the Avengers to celebrate my birthday. This was the first time I was going to celebrate my birthday in years. I couldn't deny I was excited but mostly because I would just get the chance to see everyone again.

It took us about an hour to get to Tony's in all the New York traffic. Steve and I didn't mind we were singing along to some classic songs I introduced him to and he seemed to like. We talked and just enjoyed each other's company.

When we arrived Jarvis let us up and I got the biggest fright of my life when everyone popped up and shouted surprise at me. I swear I saw Tony take a picture of it as well. I know in the future he will use that as blackmail. I mean what Grade A spy, gets scared over a surprise party? But I didn't expect my friends to do that, so I can defend myself!

I immediately went to hug Clint and Nat not seeing them in a couple of months.
"Hey, how are you guys?" I asked them, finally pulling away from Nat.
"Great. How does it feel to be six years away from 100 years old Ali?" Clint smirked making me slap his chest and him howl with laughter.
"I may be 94 now but I can still easily kick your ass Clint!" I exclaim.

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