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A few hours later and we're all suited up again and ready to take on our individual roles. I will be going back to the tower with Bruce to work on solving the algorithm codes.

"I'll take Natasha and Clint." Steve says as we walk outside.

"Alright, strictly recon. I'll hit the NEXUS, I'll join you as soon as I can." Tony says. I nod in agreement.
"If Ultron is really building a body..." Steve starts.
"He'll be more powerful than any of us. Maybe all of us. An android designed by a robot." I tell the two.

"You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me." Steve mutters.
"You and me both." I joke earning a chuckle from Tony and a shoulder nudge from Steve making me laugh.

"I'll drop Banner and Smith off at the tower. Do you mind if I borrow Ms. Hill?" Nick asks walking up next to us.
"She's all yours, apparently." Tony says.
"And don't we know it." I joke earning a glare from my friend.

I mean c'mon Nick. It was obvious.

"What are you gonna do?" Steve asks.
"I don't know. Something dramatic, I hope." Nick replies.
"Wouldn't think any less of you." I smirk before watching him walk off.

Tony then soon takes off in his suit leaving me and Steve to say goodbye.
I tighten up his back strap before smoothing down his suit.

"Be careful ok? I'm not going to be there to save your ass this time." I lightly joke earning a bright smile from the blonde soldier.
"I know. You be careful too. I'll see you when we get home and hopefully this will all be over." He says wrapping me up in his arms.

"And then you'll marry me?" I ask.
"If you'll still have me?" He smirked brushing his lips with mine as he dips his head down.
"If it wasn't for Ultron I'd probably have you already." I joke making him laugh lightly.

He scoops me up and places a firm kiss to my lips. It was short but meant a lot, when we pull apart I rest my head on his.
"I love you. Stay safe." I whisper.
"I love you too."

With that we separate from each other and I walk towards my jet while he jogs to his own. I cast a look over my shoulder.

This was one of our first missions without each other. I just prayed he would be ok, we always had each other's backs and something about not being there with him, freaked me out slightly.

Hours later into the night and early morning, I am sprawled out over multiple desks in the lab. I had cracked the algorithm code after three hours and had sent the details to Tony.

I was now on coms waiting for the return of the others. I was swinging in my spinny chair and gathering my calculations together wanting to archive them.

Just as I was packing away I hear Clint over coms.
"Allison do you copy?" He asks.
I pick up the mic to respond.
"Clint I copy, are you on your way back?" I ask.
"Yes. I have the cradle but Nat's been taken by Ultron. Steve stayed back with the Maximoff twins." Clint informed me.

"WHAT?" I almost scream into coms.
"Yes I know, I wasn't fond of it either but surprisingly the twins helped us and turned on Ultron. The girl saw something in his head." Clint said.

I sighed not liking the idea, what was Steve thinking? He saw first hand what the girl did to me.
"Ok. I'll start tracking Nat immediately." I tell him as I bring up Nat's security tracker on a computer.
"Got it. I'm about an hour away, I'll see you soon."
"See you then Clint, copy."

I say before putting the mic down and sighing in my hands. The moment things start looking up honestly.

An hour later Clint was back with the cradle along with Tony. I was still working hard on finding Nat's location as it didn't come up on any maps and her tracker had been breached. All I could do was wait for her to communicate.

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