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It had only been a month since the events of Infinity War but it felt like a whole lot longer. I thought my days on the run were dragged out but I've never been so afraid of silence in my life than I am now.

Everywhere you go, whether it's in the compound or out into the city everyone was quite. It wasn't just due to the world's population splitting into two, it was the aftermath of the war. People lost their families. Their friends, lovers, children, parents. Death is inevitable and you learn to except it but being blipped away while the rest still have to continue to live. It just didn't seem fair.

Steve and I got lucky.
For a few minutes after the battle I truly believed I had lost him. Even though I had Steve, it didn't stop me worrying either. I lost my best friends. I just got Bucky back and he's gone. Tony is somewhere lost in space, either that or he's been blipped to. I've made it my duty to track down where he and the others are. Rocket gave me his ship's locator and I've been searching the whole of this month. I went into Tony's lab first thing in the morning after training and didn't leave till past midnight. Sometimes I wouldn't leave at all.

Steve would stay with me and help in anyway he could. We all tried to see the positives. But we felt helpless. What was left of the world's mightiest hero's, had no clue what to do. We had no idea where Thanos was or how to get the stones back.

We lost the battle against him with nearly all of us there. We would be stupid to charge in and loose everything we still had. We owed it to the world to try our best to get everyone back but it was eating us all alive.

As soon as we all came back to the compound, I tried to contact Nick but when I realised him and Maria blipped I knew it was just down to me to take charge of the situation. Steve may be the Captain of the Avengers but I'm the Founder of SHIELD and was relied on my whole life by the top government officials. Now that everything was truly in chaos they all came running back, begging me to help them. I had to swallow my pride and agree as there were billions of lives at stake.

I found a communicator that was Nick's. I knew what is was. Nobody else knew. In the 90's Nick met his second Avenger. Carol Denvers more commonly known as Captain Marvel. I haven't seen her since then. She hasn't been back on earth since then, as there are many other planets in the universe that needed her help more.

I kept the communicator charged up and prayed that Carol got the message. I even sent the coordinates of Tony's ship through to her hoping she would see and get to them before something else happened.

I sighed in my hands as I rubbed my temples. The thought of the ship arriving and it being empty or only a few people coming out was ruining my mind. I couldn't get everyone's heart breaking looks out of my head.

I heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Steve entering the lab. I gave him a soft smile and he returned it sitting down next to me and giving me a sweet kiss.

"How's it going?" He asks me.
"Ok. I'm just hoping Carol gets my message because according to the information Rocket gave me his ship will run out of oxygen tomorrow." I reply looking down at my hands as I fiddled with my wedding bands.
"They'll find a way to come back to us, don't give up hope." He said.
"I won't." I smile.

It was true I couldn't give up hope. Some people may but I couldn't.

"Are you feeling any better?" Steve asks me referring to the sickness bug I had this past week. I'm sure it's due to stress. I'm never sick so when I kept throwing up every morning and couldn't eat, I knew something was wrong. I couldn't even look at food without gagging, it felt weird. I just overworked myself.

"Yeah I'm feeling much better, just a sore tummy is all." I lightly chuckle making him smile at me and bring his left hand forward to rub soothing circles along my abdomen.

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