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I wake up with a gasp and immediately cry out at the pain that hits my body. My eyes dart around and I notice that the compound and land were in complete ruins. I was under major debris and couldn't even see the sky. Was I trapped under ground?

As my senses came too and the ringing in my ear died off, I sat up slowly to see Bruce holding up collapsing land from above us and he was stopping it from dropping and hitting us. Down here was Rhodey, Rocket, Bruce and I. I looked all around but it seemed we had been closed off. There was no way out. I couldn't see Steve or Tony or anyone else.

What happened?
I notice Bruce is struggling as he can only use his one good arm and debris is stuck on top of Rocket.

"I can't breathe. I can't breathe! I can't breathe." Rocket yells as he panics. I rush over, crawling as it hurt too much to walk and stand at the moment. I helped him up and then went over to Rhodey who was just getting out of his suit.

"Canopy. Canopy. Canopy." He yelled as he rolled out of his metal.

"What's happening?" I yell as water floods into the small hole we were in.
"Rhodey, Rocket, Ali, get outta here!" Bruce screams.

"We can't!" I yell back holding onto my stomach. Thank God I wasn't injured or hurt there. My baby was still safe.

Did the snap cause this? I was so confused.

Where were the others? My breathing started to pick up and I panicked but tried to remain calm. We needed a way out.

"Steve! Steve? Do you copy? Tony? Thor? Anyone! Please! Rhodey, Rocket, Bruce and I are stuck under here and we have no way out!" I yell into my coms but I don't hear anything.

I think it's damaged so I throw it out and grab a new one out my belt but I still don't hear anything. I think everyone else's must have been damaged too.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Come on!" Rocket yells as we roll out the way of falling structures.

"Ali!" I hear Bruce yell my name as a sudden
flood engulfs the three of us on the floor and I gasp out for breath. The hole was filling up fast and there was only so many more minutes before we would all drown in here.

"Mayday, mayday! Does anybody copy? We're in the lower level, it's flooding!" Rhodey screams into his coms but there was no reply.

I really started to panic now. I could not die like this! I had a husband and kids and I was carrying a child in my stomach. I continue to breath deeply.

"We're drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!" Rhodey yells.
"Steve." I whisper as I take a final breath before being submerged with water.

I close my eyes and wait for the darkness to welcome me...but it never does.

I feel something encase my body and I feel as though I'm being lifted. It still doesn't feel real so I keep my eyes closed but then I feel the water running off me and fresh air fills my nose making me gasp out as my eyes open.

I blink rapidly to fix my gaze and when I do I see Scott in his giant ant-man form had saved the four of us from drowning. I take deep breaths as I look around and see everyone from the blip here, alive, well and ready to fight on the battlefield. I then notice Thanos' army and quickly realise he must have made his way here from the past.

Well you know what they say. You mess with time it tends to mess back.

I step off Scott's hand and onto the battlefield right next to Bucky. He smiles brightly at me and I rush into his awaiting arms.

"Buck." I sigh into his shoulder.
"Hey Al." He whispers back before we pull away and quickly get into a fighting stance along with the others.

All of a sudden I hear Steve's voice yell over the crowd. I couldn't see him but knowing he was ok was more than enough for me. My coms was back up and running now, connected to everyone on the battlefield.

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