Infinity War

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In the Quinjet, Nat, Sam and Steve sat in the pilot and co-pilot seats travelling us to Wakanda while Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and I were sat in the back.

We were now nearing our destination and it was well into late morning now.

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve spoke quietly.
"I hope you're right about this, Roger duo. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to." Sam tried to lighten up the mood, earning a small smile from both Steve and I.

As the others squinted nervously Steve and I watched as our Quinjet passes through a camouflage force field into Wakanda's Golden City's valley. I smile over to Sam who is looking around in a daze. We land safely at the airfield outside the palace. King T'Challa and the Dora Milaje approach to greet us on arrival.

I smile brightly at the pair as we leave the Quinjet into the brightly kissed sunlit city. Steve and I lead the others over to T'Challa. I pick up my speed and throw my arms around T'Challa making him chuckle and squeeze me up against his broad chest.

"Warrior." T greeted me.
"Hi T. Thank you for welcoming us again." I thank my brother.
"You know you and your friends are always welcome here." T'Challa reminds me.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Steve greets T'Challa with a handshake.
I notice Bruce bowing awkwardly and then Rhodey fighting off his laughs as he mocks him.
"What are you doing?" Rhodey fake gasps.
"Uh, we don't do that here." T'Challa tells Bruce kindly making Bruce shoot Rhodey a look and is answered with a big grin.

"Don't let him tease you Bruce." I giggle.
"So how big of an assault can we expect?" T'Challa then asked, getting serious.

As we talk we begun to walk back into the administrative building.
"Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault." Bruce explains nervously while playing with his hands.

"How we looking?" Nat asks the young king.
"You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." T'Challa gets cut off and when I hear the voice I immediately know who it is making my smile brighten.

"A semi-stable, 100-year-old man." Bucky smirks.
I run over, wasting no time and throw my arms around Bucky. He had been out of cryo for a few months and was now completely free of the Winter Soldier. However, I knew he still carried the burdens everyday which is why he described himself as "semi-stable".

He gladly leaned into my hug and I pulled away to give chance for Steve to pull his best friend into a long tight hug making me smile wider. Nothing warmed my heart more than seeing those two together.

"How you been, Buck?" Steve asks.
"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world." Bucky admits.
"Nice arm." I smirk looking down as his upgrade.
"Thanks for your input. You and Shuri did quite the number." He laughs lightly.

I mockingly bow and the group of us laugh before we walk further into the building and up to Shuri's lab. I greet my little sister too and help her set up, to scan Vision's Stone with her kimoyo beads while Vision lies on the examination table. She flips her hand over and studies the hologram projected over her palm, while I look at it over her shoulder.

"Whoa. The structure is polymorphic." She says as I nod in agreement, eyes fixed to the screen.

"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Bruce explains to the young genius.
"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" Shuri asks looking over to me.
"I didn't have the right equipment." I tell her. Shuri then looks over to Bruce who looks flabbergasted.

"Because, we didn't think of it." Bruce mutters unsurely.
"I'm sure you did your best." Shuri smirks making me hip bump her to hide her giggles.

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