A different POV

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James Buchanan Barnes was sat in his chamber. The room he had learned was his for over seventy years. Full of screams and torture. They constantly echoed and bounced off the cream walls.

The room was destroyed and abandoned. All that laid in it was a small closed off bathroom with a sink, toilet and shower.
There laid a steal slab with a thin cotton blanket on top and people expected him to call it a bed.

But the main equipment was in the middle of the room, always reminding the man why he was there.
A huge metal chair was situated, fixed to the floor. Computers surrounded it, controlling the voltage the contraption held.

The Winter Soldier was sat in that very chair. Out of breath, injured and destroyed himself.
He wore no shirt, loose pants and let his hair fall in tangles just above his shoulders. He was hunched over himself, ready to throw up at any opportune moment. That was if he had anything in his stomach.

Guards were littered around the room. Some doctors were there too but Bucky was in his own head as usual. It was normally blank. A dark cold room. However, memories flashed before his eyes giving him a somewhat hope to get closer to the truth.

Snow surrounded his numb, injured body. His gaze was fixed at the big blue above him. Until a crowd of people all dressed in black tug his almost lifeless body away, leaving a red stain across the snow.
"Sergeant Barnes..." The crazy Swiss scientist hissed in the soldier's ear.

Back on a train, he grips onto a weak piece of metal as the blonde haired, blue eyed super soldier he called his brother tried to save him as he plummeted to his death.
Or so he thought.
The screams ringed in his ears. His own screams.
"Bucky, no!"
It was the man off the bridge.

"So what's going on between the two of you?" A younger, healthier version of himself asks a beautiful blonde sat next to him on an aircraft.
They seemed extremely close and comfortable with each other.
Was this his sister? Bucky pondered.
He watched again as she chocked on her breath.
"I may have been gone for almost a year Allison but I still know you better than anyone else. You two are head over heels for each other." He felt a smirk twitch upon his face.
Just before the image changed he almost felt her hand in his and could have sworn he saw the same guy from the bridge sleeping peacefully behind her.

It flashes back again to after he's picked up by Hydra agents.
"The procedure has already started." Cola chuckles evilly.
Bucky watches once more as the Hydra agents amputee his left arm and replace it with the metal arm.
"You are to be the new fist of HYDRA. Put him on ice."

Bucky can almost see himself frozen and all the pain washes back up that he hid deep beneath his walls.

"What I don't look pretty the rest of the time?" The same blonde girl smiled cheekily from before.
He was now back in a familiar bedroom. The walls held so many memories.
"No! No! Ali, that's not what I meant!" Bucky exclaims quickly trying to rid himself of any guilt, but instead he hears a melancholy of soft laughter coming from the blonde's rosy red lips making a smile appear on his own for what feels like a lifetime.
"I'm messing with you." The girl replied.
"Let's go musketeers, the future awaits!" He yelled in glee as he wrapped his arm carefully around the young girls back and led her to the door with another small blonde.

Bucky smiled as he recognised someone for the first time in years and it was someone he knew as his own sibling.
Allison Roslyn Smith.

Suddenly, after being frozen in thought for a while Bucky comes back to the present and knocks over the HYDRA agent fixing his arm in fear. He finally remembered someone and didn't want that taken away from him.
He had to hold onto that name.
To that face.
Rollins points his gun at him to stop him attacking any further. It works and Bucky slumps back over cradling his head in his hands repeating the name over and over in his head, terrified it would slip away.

Pierce soon enters alongside with Rumlow and some more HYDRA agents, marching straight over to Bucky.
"Mission report." Pierce demands.
Bucky looks blank and doesn't respond.
"Mission report, now." Pierce moves closer as he looses his temper.

When not met with an immediate reply Bucky receives a strike hard to his face, making his face whip in the opposite direction.

"The man on the bridge...Who was he?" Bucky asks desperately. It was a risk but he had to know.
"You met him earlier this week on another assignment." Pierce compromised.
"I knew him. I knew her." Bucky mumbles.

Pierce takes a seat in front of Bucky.
"Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we're gonna give it a push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, and HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves."
"But I knew them." Bucky pleaded.

Instead of being reasonable Pierce went for the easy way out. He turns to the scientists.
"Prep him."
"He's been out of cryo-freeze too long." A doctor stated.
"Then wipe him and start over." Pierce yells.

The scientists strap Bucky in his chair and then place a teeth shield in his mouth as they begin the process of wiping his brain.
Bucky reluctantly follows orders, still repeating the girls name in his head wanting to remember everything about her he had held onto. He envisioned her in his mind while the room filled back up with his screams of pain.

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