Biting the bullet

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I was walking away from Loki's cell when I noticed my phone beep. I pulled it out my pocket and checked, to see aircrafts were in close contact with our own carrier. I zoom in and try to locate an exact zone they were planning to hijack but it was moving to fast.

"This is Agent Smith, I have a craft located less than a mile from us. Does anyone copy?"
I waited for an answer but it didn't come.
"This is Agent Smith does anyone copy?"

When I didn't get a reply I took action and sprinted back the way I came. If people were hijacking the plane I knew it was for one thing only, or rather a person. Loki immediately looked my way as he heard me running back in. He stared at me in confusion.

"Change of plan. I need to know if you're ready to do this now. There is an aircraft heading directly our way and I assume they are your people. I can't get hold of anyone so I need to know. Are you with us or not?" I ask coming all the way up to the glass.

He stared at me for a long while taking in everything I said and debating what side he was on.
"Loki, if you're debating which side to be on this much, it should already be clear that you weren't on the right one to begin with." I say to him slowly.

He nods his head but he didn't have chance to reply as a gun shot sounded loud in my ears and a pain filled my abdomen.
I fell to the ground in a heap and clutched my side. I could already see blood spilling out. But they missed my vital organs on purpose. They didn't want to kill me...yet.

I groaned and heard Loki shout as he banged on the glass but the cell moved downwards as he did.
I look to him to see tears in his eyes as he stared down at me.
"Loki, it's not too late." I whisper.

But just then the doors opened and I look over to see one of his men opened it. He immediately came over to me and dropped by my side rolling me over to check my wound. I looked at him in confusion as he pressed his palm flat, tightly against my wound to suppress the bleeding.
"I'll live you know." I joke.
"I know. I'm sorry." He said.

I heard Steve yelling my name over coms but it was distant I look around to see my ear pierce next to Loki's foot. I make a move to get it, to tell Steve I was ok but Loki placed his boot over it and stepped on it.
I look up to him as he wore a sad expression.
"What are you doing?" I ask nervously.
"Like I said, I'm sorry."

Just then we heard Thor's raging voice.
"NO!" He must have thought Loki was injuring me as he fled to us but just as he was about to tackle Loki, he went right threw him making me confused.

Thor lands in the cell and I see Loki is now at the control panel closing the door on him. I let out a whimper and held my wound. I had lost a lot of blood now and without the pressure Loki had on it, I was bleeding out faster.
"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki smirked, putting his mask back on. But I saw his eyes flicker to me silently apologising.

I sighed and laid my head back staring at the ceiling focusing on my wound. I breathed in deeply and stood up. Everything was spinning and I saw black spots but I blinked it all back. I leaned against the railing and made a move to the control panel but Loki stopped me.
"You really don't want to do that." He said grabbing my arms.
"Loki. Please." I say.
He ignored me and instead turned as Thor, in a fit of anger, slams Mjölnir onto the glass cell. I look with wide eyes as the cell door only cracks, but violently shakes the ship. I would have fallen over again if it wasn't for Loki's strong grip on my arms.
"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Loki smiled menacingly as he went back to the control panel. Again I made a move for my gun but his soldier aimed at me making me lower it slightly.

But suddenly, the guard falls down like a tree. I look behind him to see Coulson standing there, holding Phase 2 Weapon Prototype. I give off a small smirk.
"Move away, please." He asks Loki. I hold my gun up as well, pointing it at Loki pushing myself off the railing to stand on my feet.

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