Back where I belong

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I sat quietly in my new temporary room. When waking up in the future I kept my mind open to all the changes however, I didn't know it was possible for even the beds to change so much. I sighed and placed my head in my hands, just thinking. My head hurt like hell. I couldn't wrap my mind around any of this. I mean I understood what happened to me but I don't think I'm meant for this new type of lifestyle.

Not only did my head hurt but my heart ached. I couldn't stop thinking about Allison. Sure just under an hour ago I was speaking to her on a jet but for had been a lifetime. Seventy years. I blinked back my tears rapidly trying to rid my brain of thoughts and images surrounding the girl I loved so much.

I heard my door open and I swallowed hard before turning to meet the gaze of the man in the all leather outfit from before.
"Captain Rogers. How are you feeling?" He asked me.
"I'll be alright." I muttered quietly fiddling with my hands.
"My name is Nick Fury I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, a world organisation to protect the civilians of this planet." He told me.
"It's a pleasure to meet you sir." I spoke politely sitting up straighter and facing him fully.

"You too Captain. I know this must be very overwhelming for you. But it is our duty to get you back on your feet in this world. Let me start off with some history for you." He spoke. He grabbed a chair and sat down in front of me. I gave him a small smile and nodded for him to continue.
"S.H.I.E.L.D was founded in 1946 a couple of months after you went into the ice. The founders I'm sure you'll be familiar with. Howard Stark, Margret Carter and Allison Smith." He paused. He watched my reaction intently.

I didn't freak out like he supposed I would. I just sat there taking in and processing all this new information. I looked put together and fine on the outside but as soon as he mentioned her name, all the pain from before came back and my body ached in agony.
"The three started the organisation to carry on your legacy as a team. They started out the business that we have today. We send remarkable and talented agents all over the world to fight the bigger battles hidden from the public eye. But I'm here to talk to you now about a very specific mission. The one that started it all off. I know Captain, you are very familiar with Dr. Abraham Erskine's soldier serum. I also know that you know Mr Stark and Miss Smith worked day and night to perfect it." He continued.

I nodded understanding every word he said. I waited a second before asking him a question.
"Did they do it? Did it work?"
"Yes Captain. Your not the only super soldier."

The way he said it made it sound like the guy was still alive. But surely that was impossible unless they've been re-doing it over years because no one, not even with the serum could last that long.
"Who was the first?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" He asks me with a confused look.
"I mean it just sounded like you spoke about them as if they were alive but that's not...possible." I continued.
"Stark and Smith didn't just recreate Erskine's serum, they perfected it. The serum you had was different to the other one given. This soldier doesn't age." He told me.

I blinked rapidly taking that in. There was another soldier somewhere working for this company who was just like me. It was more comforting knowing I might have someone else to relate to from my decade.
"Who was it?" I ask.
He paused for a moment before sliding out a file from his jacket. I stared at him curiously.
"When this serum was perfected. Who do you think offered their services faster than anyone else? Who do you think jumped at the opportunity to become greater than they already were?"

I was confused at the question and racked my brain for a logical answer but with his intense gaze I looked in his hand to see in old cursive writing. Allison Roslyn Smith, written on the front of the file.
My breath hitched. She wouldn't have.
But the more I thought about the more I realised she would. She told me all those years ago if she were to loose Bucky and me it would break her. If she had the opportunity to become closer to us after we'd gone I knew more than anything she'd take it.

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