Waving them off

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The next morning Peggy and I were back in HQ and back in our uniforms. I'm glad. This was way more comfortable than my dress last night. I told Peggy everything and she gushed about it. She too wanted me to admit my feelings to Steve just as much as Bucky did but she unlike him knew why I hadn't yet. I was scared and this morning gave me another reason to be.

We were trying to find Steve and wondered around the building until we found him. Wrapped up in some stunningly beautiful blonde's arms kissing in the corner. I gasped quietly and Peggy turned to look at me immediately seeing my sadness. A hard look took over on her face and she called for Steve breaking the two up.
"Captain! We're ready for you. If you're not otherwise occupied."
Steve immediately jumped away from the blonde startled but I saw his whole body freeze when he noticed me stood next to her and let me tell you I was not hiding my sadness or disappointment.

Annoyed, Peggy turns and walks ahead grabbing my arm and whispering gentle things to me asking me to stay strong until we were in private. I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat holding my chin high.

"Agent Carter, wait. Ali!" I heard Steve just behind us but I didn't turn around.
"Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all." Peggy answers sternly for me. I turn around too but I refuse to look at Steve.
"Peggy, Ali, that's not what you thought it was." He begged but I bit my lip and turned round again walking off with the two still following.
"I don't think anything, Captain. Not one thing. You always wanted to be soldier and now you are. Just like all the rest." Peggy insulted him.

"Well, what about you and Stark? How do I know you two haven't been... fonduing?" With that I turn around and glare at him taking Peggy's arm in mine.
"You still don't know a bloody thing about women!" I tell him before taking Peggy away from him.

After Peggy and I had calmed down in her office. Which took some time. We went back out onto the main floor again. I had fully pushed back my tears and I was now emotionless. If anything I was mad now. We walk towards where Howard was working I tensed up hearing Steve's familiar voice but Peggy squeezed my hand as we rounded the corner seeing Steve holding up a new shield.

"You quite finished, Mr. Stark? I'm sure the Captain has some unfinished business." Peggy snapped.
Instead of retaliating Steve just holds up the Vibranium shield against him.
"What do you think?" He asks us smiling.

Without thinking twice I pulled my gun out of its halter and fired multiple shots at it. Steve quickly holds up the shield to protect himself.
"Yes. I think it works." Peggy answered for me. I put the gun back in its halter and the two of us walk out of the lab, leaving Steve and Howard looking stunned and everyone else recovering, coming out of hiding after hearing my gun shots.

That evening, I was in my room looking over some more work I'd done on the serum. I heard a knock at my door and sighed dropping my papers praying it wasn't Steve at my door. I took a deep breath before opening the door and I was relieved to see Bucky standing there instead.
I grabbed his shirt and pulled him in.
"Woah. A little feisty today huh? I heard all about your little gun show, kind of bummed I missed it." He smiled as I sighed and gathered my papers putting them away for the night.

"I guess you must have heard all about the pretty blonde working on the main floor too then?" I asked my back turned.

I heard him sigh deeply behind me.
"Yeah I did. He's a complete mess."
"Why? He got exactly what he wanted. A good looking girl to go dancing with."
"Oh please. She looks like any other broad I could pick up off he streets. She's a cheap version of yourself." Bucky argued.

I sighed again and turned round fiddling with my top.
"Yeah. Right."
Bucky sighed again and stepped forward.
"I told you to tell him before it was too late. Hey, if it's any consolation he's been crying like a baby the past few hours over the thought of you hating him and him loosing you."

"I could never hate him! I'm just-I'm just hurt and...jealous. There I said it!" I fumed placing a hand to my head.
"I know." Bucky said taking me in his arms. I pressed my head into his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I just don't want to talk to him tonight." I admit.
"I know that too. Promise me you'll talk to him tomorrow after our mission?" He asked me looking down at me. I pulled away from his chest.
"I promise. I'm worried about tomorrow." I admit climbing into my bed. Bucky follows and cuddles into my side. He lays on my chest while I play with his hair comfortingly.
"Why?" He asked me.
"I don't know. I just have a bad feeling. Promise me you'll be ok and safe. Watch out for Steve?" I ask him. He turns his head to look at me.
"I promise. I'll be back before you know it Ali."

We stay in each other's arms for a while.
"Can you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone." I ask quietly.
"Of course I will. Just like old times huh?" He laughed.

I joined in and that night I smiled in my sleep curled up in the side of my best friend.

That morning I woke up early with Bucky and went with him to wish off him and the rest of the Howling Commando's on their mission. As soon as I came down Steve was looking at me. I tried to ignore it.
I talked to Bucky one last time before he went away.
"I love you. Stay safe and come home soon." I tell him.
He laughs at me.
"I will I promise. Your such a worrier." He smirked.
I slapped his chest lightly and hugged him tightly.
"Talk to him. Please." He whispered in my ear before pulling away and kissing me on the head before leaving me to talk to Steve.

I sighed as I turned to the sad looking blonde super soldier in front of me.
"Ali-Please. It's not what it looked like. I had no idea what she was doing. One moment we're talking the next she grabbed my tie and pulled me into her. Yes we kissed but I promise I didn't t kiss back. I just didn't know what was happening. You got to believe me-" Before he could blab on anymore I placed a finger over his lips immediately silencing him.

"I believe you Steve. It's ok." I told him, still not meeting his gaze.
He sighed in relief and pulled me into his chest. It took me a moment, but I relaxed. I was still hurt but I knew he would have never instigated it. I pulled away and he lifted my chin to meet his gaze. This was it. I had to tell him.
"Steve I-" Just then the jeep car horn sounded. I closed my eyes in desperation.

"Just be safe." I say softly hugging him one last time and kissing his cheek.
I watched him climb in the back. His gaze lingered on me again holding a look I couldn't put my finger on. I waved the boys off and sighed to myself.

I was so close, yet so far.

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