Endings and New Beginnings

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Beep. Beep. Beeeepppp.

Honestly the noise was annoying and patronising. I almost instantly know where I am. I hated hospitals.

Memories flash before my eyes and I blink my eyes open fiercely, desperate to see where I am and if everyone was ok.

Being able to see nothing but white as I'm lying down I sit up quickly causing excruciating pain to shoot through my body, mainly my chest making me cry out and fall back onto my pillow.

I bring my hands up and feel a thick bandage around my chest. I look down and see no blood, no bruises. Nothing.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. How long have I been here? How long have I been out?

I sit up slower this time and just wince a little. I prop myself up and wiggle my toes and then move my feet. My ankle had fully healed letting me know I could stand.

I roll my shoulders and they were sore but nothing I couldn't handle. As I threw my feet over the bed I realised I was in a hospital gown.

Before I stand I get used to my surroundings. Anyone else would just think they were in a hospital but after gazing in further detail I soon realise I am in a very specific place.

No wonder I healed so quickly.

I was in Wakanda.

I look towards a clock and see it was 12pm and it had been officially three days since I was awake making me sigh.

As I try to stand I hear the door open making me wobble and fall back down.

I hear rushed footsteps and soon I am met with the face of T'Challa.

"T." I smile.
"Warrior. How much more trouble do you plan getting in to this year?" He asks me as he helps me back onto my feet.

"You know me T. I've been getting into trouble since I came into this world. It should be my middle name." I joke along with him making him chuckle lightly.
"How do you feel? You were in pretty bad shape when I brought you here." T'Challa asks me seriously.

"I'm ok now T, I promise. A little sore and I feel a little weird but I guess that isn't new." He shakes his head and let's out another laugh at my ongoing jokes.
"You're fine then." He replies as he smiles down at me.

"Where's Steve and Bucky? Are they ok? What about Tony?" I ask all of a sudden causing T'Challa to put his hands up silencing me.
"After you had passed out it was my duty to get you back here as soon as possible. You lost at least two pints of blood and if you had lost anymore you would have died Allison. I could not have that on my conscious. Bucky and Steve came along with me, Tony refused. I sent another jet for him, he is back in America."

I nodded to all the information before speaking up again.
"So everyone's ok?" I ask.
"Physically." He replies making me nod again.

"I will send some clothes for you after that you can see them. But we still need to keep a close eye on you. You had a deep wound, we are trying to make it not scar." T'Challa told me.

I nodded again and brought a hand up to my chest. After all my injuries and all my missions the one thing I never had was a scar. I didn't mind, it would just be different.

Tony wouldn't be able to live with himself if he knew he caused it too. I thanked T'Challa profusely before he left.

A few minutes later Shuri walked in with some clothes in hand. I hugged her tightly and we caught up quickly as she checked me over and took my IV out.

I sat on the edge of the bed watching the young girl carefully.
"How are you?" She asks me.
"I'm fine I already-"
"No I know you're fine physically but there's something bothering you. I don't want to press you for information but I have a feeling you need to get something off your chest."

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