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Seventy years.

Seventy years can do a lot to a woman. You'd think I'd be old and grey laying in a casket four feet under. However, I had just come back from a two hour workout where I ripped a bunch of planks and pull-ups.

I was still Allison Smith, who looked not a day over twenty three. Sure the serum changed me. I now stood at 5'7 and I was just over 170 pounds. I had muscles on my muscles but still held a slim figure. I wasn't over powering with muscle, I still had a soft side. My long blonde hair still landed at my waist and my brown eyes were now full of light again. The serum Howard Stark and I created was a newer version of Dr. Erskine. We had created more beneficial properties to it. I could lift more than any man on the planet. I also didn't age. That wasn't always a benefit. Seeing the people I loved around me growing old and starting families while I was left to go to war.

I got some amazing things out of it however. I was officially a God mother to the beautiful Tony Stark. He was now over forty but after his mum and dad died I made it my mission to raise him. I was there for him when he became Iron Man and I happily helped him take down his so called Uncle. I was the first one to look and find him after he was kidnapped. Not a day went by where I didn't look out for that boy.

Another thing that got enhanced due to the serum was my mind. I was a genius before the serum and it only enhanced that. That was the scariest part. Too much intelligence is dangerous, so I learnt how to use it for good and the right reasons.

I still was a founder of S.H.I.E.L.D and it had grown massively over the years. I was the top agent at a level ten. No one else in the world was even close to me. I was the leader and the figure of the company. I had a close bond with Director Fury and all those who had a part in S.H.I.E.L.D. It was my home.

My life had changed drastically. I had too. I was stronger now not just physically but mentally. I had been on so many missions my files were too big to count. I was relied on and trusted. I was respected.

However, not a day went by still where I didn't think about my two blue-eyes boys. Everyday there was always something I wish I could come home and tell them about. I tried my hardest to remember what they looked like, what they smelt like, how they would laugh when I would tell a crony joke. How they felt, how their arms used to encase my whole body when we would hug. I thought about them often, maybe too often. And I wondered if I ever would be reunited with them. After seventy years of course I forgot some things. That scared me too.

What used to be fond childhood memories I could remember like the back of my hand soon became blurry. I missed them. They were apart of me after all. Always will be.

Shaking that feeling off. I took a long needed shower before getting changed into my S.H.I.E.L.D uniform. It had changed a bit over the years. I had a big design input after all I was very specific with what I wore. Instead of brown the uniform was now black. S.H.I.E.L.D was now embroidered in gold at the right side of the chest. Black cargo jeans were worn along with a belt that held my pistol, two throwing knives, my phone and walkie-talkie.

I tied my hair up and opened my phone, checking my messages. Just as I was about to head out the door I got a call. It was Nick. I was very close with Nick, I trusted him a lot. His family had a background with S.H.I.E.L.D and we had worked alongside each other for years.
"Hey Fury, I was just about to come in."
"Good. There's something you need to hear about."
I scrunch my face up in confusion as he sounded very serious but headed out to the garage and hopped onto my Harley. I was much more of a bike girl then driving a car. I loved the way my hair whipped in the wind and the feeling of freedom it gave me. As I said, nothing had really changed.

I was at Headquarters in no time and walked straight in to meet Nick. I walk into his office unannounced and flop onto one of his awaiting chairs.
"You know, there's a thing called knocking. You should really try it out soon." He told me.
"Why? What's the worst that could happen? You being indecent? I doubt it as you work here, unless of course Miss Maria Hill was in here." I smirked.

He didn't even smile back at me making me chuckle.
"Come on, you know you love me."
"That's why I let your shit slide Smith." He spoke.
"So what did you need that was so important?" I asked
"Your going to need to prepare yourself for this." He said seriously making me straighten up.
"Ok. What's happened?" I ask putting my professional façade on.
"70 years ago Captain America more known as Steve Rogers plunged a nuke filled plane into the ice just off the cost of Canada. Recently we were contacted by the military over there saying they found a ship washed up on shore. Due to climate change the ice had begun to thin down revealing the plane."

As soon as mentioned Steve's name my breath hitched and I listened intently.
"What are you saying?" I asked slowly.
"Steve Rogers never died in that plane crash. He's been frozen in time for over seventy years."
My body falls back into my chair as I process this information. For seventy years I believed the love of my life to be dead, to be told in less than a minute he had been alive all this time, just preserved, my vision went black and I immediately felt dizzy. I just couldn't understand it.
"That's impossible." I whispered.
"After all your work here I think you and I both should believe the impossible is possible." Nick told me, watching me carefully.

"What are you going to do?" I ask.
"We're already in the process of waking him up." He told me.
This made me stand up. Why hadn't I been informed about this earlier?
"What? And no one thought to tell me this earlier!" I raise my voice.
"Yes, I asked people not too for this exact reason. Your emotions Allison get in the way when it comes to do with anyone of your friends. And seeing as Rogers was more than just a friend to you, I needed to ensure you were both in the proper frame of mind before you could see each other again."

I took another moment to take in what he was saying. He was right. If Steve did wake up he needed time to readjust. It was a completely different world after all. Seeing me first could freak him out especially with my transformation.
I nod slowly.
"When can I see him." I ask.
"As soon as your able to, you know damn well I'll send him to you." Nick promised me.

I nod again, hardly having any words left.
"Thank you Nick."
He smiled at me before I left going back home to process everything. Steve was alive.

I was going to see him again.

Let me tell you I had never smiled so much in my life. The love of my life was coming back to me.

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