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Soon after Nick flatlined, the doctors gave us an opportunity to say goodbye.
That's how Natasha, Steve, Maria and I ended up in a room where Nick's dead body laid. It was hard for me even to look at. My heart ached.

I watched as Nat is looking down at Fury's body with tears running down her face. She was taking this very hard. Nick and I gave Nat a second choice when nobody else would. She was as good as dead when we found her and took her in to train her up.

"I need to take him." Maria whispers over to Steve and I.
I nod at her and slowly walk up to Nat.
"Nat." I whisper.
She doesn't respond, instead she tenderly touches Fury's head then turns and walks out, Steve follows her. I lean down to place a kiss on Nick's head.
"Thank you. For everything, partner." I say to myself before following them out.

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" I hear Nat say as her and Steve were now stood in the corridor.
Steve looked over to me as I joined and I gave him a look not to say anything. Firstly, I need to fully trust Nat and secondly, this was not the place. To many ears were around.

"I don't know." Steve told her as I nodded in agreement.
We were then interrupted by Rumlow.
"Cap, Agent Smith, they want you back at SHIELD." He told us.
"Yeah, give us a second." I ask him politely.
"They want you now." He spoke in a demanding tone.
"Okay." I raised my voice. I was an emotional wreck after what had happened to Nick.
"She said give us a minute." Steve told him for me making Rumlow walk away which I was thankful for.

I sighed out deeply trying to control my anger.
Steve and I turn back to Natasha.
"You're a terrible liar Steve. You should have asked Allison to speak for you." She spat before turning around and walking away.

I looked over to Steve and saw how angry and tense he looked. I raised my hand to place on his cheek and he gladly leaned it to, taking a deep breath to calm down.
"We'll get through this. Together." I promise him.
"I know. I'm with you." He kissed my hand.
"Till the end of the line." I finished for him smiling slightly.

He leant down to give me a quick peck and that was when I noticed the vending machine next to us. I nod at it to Steve and he turns around to look at it himself.
I smirk and then look back down to my chest giving him the idea. He smirked in realisation and as we left with Rumlow we were secretly smirking knowing that the flash drive was safe, hidden behind the many packs of chewing gum.

Back at SHIELD Headquarters, Steve and I were brought over to Pierce who is talking to Agent 13. Or as we know her Sharon. The nosy neighbour.

I glared at the pair slightly. I felt like a prisoner in my own company. Having to be escorted to Pierce for questioning, it felt absurd.

"Captain Rogers. Agent Smith." Sharon smiles at us.
The fucking audacity, I tell you. I was passed angry right now. I was almost seeing red. However, I kept a calm look on my face at all times. You never want other people knowing how you truly feel in this job. The better I kept up my clueless act, the longer I had to plan my escape.

I had made great progress. I had saved all of my mission files and everything I felt needed to be heavily protected. I had stole from right under SHIELD's noses and they won't ever find out until it's too late.

"Neighbour." I reply in a cold tone.
"Ah, Captain, Allison. I don't believe we've met Captain, I'm Alexander Pierce." Pierce introduced himself.
"Sir, it's an honor." Steve spoke as they shake hands.
I gave Pierce a sarcastic smile and I watched him visibly gulp under my gaze.
Good. He was afraid.

"The honor is mine, Captain. My father served in the 101st. Allison, always a pleasure. Come on in." He said as we enter his office. I couldn't help but pick up on the tone he sent me, it sounded sarcastic.
He was giving me a taste of my own medicine.
When his back was turned, I nudged Steve and gave him a look.
"Don't trust anyone." I mouthed to him.

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