Christmas Celebrations

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Author's note: Hey guys! Really hope you are enjoying the sorry so far. These next few chapters are not scenes following the movies however, they take a huge step in developing Steve and Allison's relationship. In this chapter I am going to put an 18+ warning as there is some fluff. I will remind you when it's over incase you don't want to read. It is nothing extravagant but I just wanted to ensure I give a warning. I really hope you enjoy the next few chapters. Let me know! Xx

It had been two weeks since my talk with Steve and I can honestly say I have have never been more glad to have a talk with him. These past two weeks have been filled with laughter and little moments that I will cherish forever. It was now five days till Christmas. Steve and I will be spending Christmas at the tower and then staying there until Tony's party.

We had all our presents organised.
Tony- will be getting some old records I found that used to be his father's as well as a photo album I found of when he was a baby. I know his family is a touchy subject but I also knew him too well and I know he would want and appreciate these.
Pepper- I bought her, her favourite Chanel perfume. Last time we went out together she mentioned she was coming close to the end of hers. I know she can easily buy one herself but you can never be too stocked up and I know she'll appreciate it.
Clint- I got him a new tool kit because I know, not only is he dying for it but also Laura is, his wife. She's sick of him starting projects and never finishing them so I thought this may motivate him a bit.
Nat- was easy. I bought her a lot from Victoria Secret because I knew she wanted new stuff and their Christmas launch was so cute. I may have bought a few things for myself...
Thor- Again it was easy. I bought him every flavour of pop tarts I could find. He was a simple man and I don't think they celebrate Christmas on Asgard so I'm sure he'll appreciate anything especially if it's food. I even got Loki a little something. It was nothing big just a few novels I had, that I finished a long time ago. I thought he would appreciate them.
Bruce- was a little harder but I soon found something he would like. Steve had a little bit of an input. It was a really nice jacket we found on a whim. It was oversized and was formal but had a comfy material.
Sam- I kind of left that one to Steve as I knew he knew him better than I did but we got him some DVD movies that Steve would not stop talking about. It was cute in all honesty.

Maria and Nick never expect anything but I always get them a little something. This year I got Nick a new leather coat as he sadly departed with his old one after SHIELD fell but God did he need a new one anyway! And Maria I got her some little home decor pieces as she had moved houses to Europe. The two wouldn't be joining us for Christmas so I had already sent their presents in the mail.

Finally was Steve's present. It wasn't much as he had practically pinned me down and asked me to swear to him I wouldn't buy him anything extravagant. I asked him the same and we both agreed but something seemed a little off.
I stuck to my word and bought him some new sketch books. They were very nice; leather bound and hard ware. However, Steve for the last two days had been round Sam's. Although this is nothing out the ordinary as the two are great friends and always hang out, he seemed a little sneaky. I came to pick him up the other day and walked in Sam's kitchen to see the two immediately stop talking and Steve lean over papers on the counter.

Obviously I wasn't stupid and assumed it was my preset but Steve told me it would be low-key. And nothing about it so far screamed low-key.

I was already thinking ahead and choosing some outfits to pack to Tony's.
Majority was comfy clothes. However, I needed a few nice outfits. For Christmas I decided on a red dress. It was satin and a type of skater dress. It flowed just before my knees and was off the shoulder. It was very beautiful and I thought very fitting. For Tony's party I decided on the dress Nat got me for my birthday as it has still never seen the light of day and I thought it deserved every opportunity.

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