Fighting a Friend

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Steve, Sam and I immediately made our way to where the Helicarriers were placed. We were running over the main deck looking out for signs of any HYDRA agents.
"Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam shouted.
"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve informed him as I nodded in agreement.

Sam soon takes off in his Falcon suit and Steve and I head down off the roof top down closer to where the carriers were launching. As expected, the HYDRA agents start shooting at us.
We jump over some cargo to take cover before I get to action once they step closer and get in my range. I use my machine gun I made personally back at base to shoot the soldiers far away, before using a custom pistol to shoot the ones closer.
The ones that got within five feet of me I would take down hand to hand knowing it was safer that way.
"Hey, guys, I found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam spoke through coms.
"You okay?" I ask trying to look up at the sky to catch a glimpse of him but it was kind of difficult when fighting off armed soldiers.

"I'm not dead yet." Sam said as I watched the explosions go off in the air.

"Falcon, status?" Maria asks over coms.
"Engaging." I hear Sam say as he continues to fly the higher ground above us. A few more minutes of Steve and I fighting we hear Sam again.
"Alright, Cap, Ali, I'm in." He states.

Steve and I make our way forward while still defending ourselves and taking down HYDRA agents. There were a lot more than I expected, some walked passed me in the corridors just a few weeks ago and now they were shooting at me. I still couldn't believe it.

"Eight minutes, Cap." Maria speaks through our ear pierce.
"Working on it." Steve replied.
"Go to this one, I'll get the next one." I tell Steve turning to him.
"You sure?" He asks me.
"I've got it covered here, I'll watch your back! Now go!" I tell him.

He immediately runs forward into the Helicarrier while I stay on the ground protecting him from outside, to ensure he got that card in.

"Alpha locked." Steve spoke three minutes later making me sigh in relief.
"Falcon, where are you now?" Maria asked.
"I had to take a detour!" Sam shouted making me wince slightly.
I take a moment to look up and check up on Sam from a distance in the sky. I soon see an explosion, immediately after it came Sam's joyous voice.
"Oh, yeah! I'm in. Bravo locked." Sam states. "Two down, one to go." Maria reminded us.

I knew I had to get to that last carrier and fast.

"Charlie Carrier's forty-five degrees off the port bow. Six minutes." Maria said again making my anxiety sky rocket.
I was running closer to the where the last Helicarrier was above me. HYDRA agents were hot on my tail and they soon started shooting at me.
"Hey, Sam, I'm gonna need a ride." I yell into my communicator as I near the edge of the platform.
"Roger! Let me know when you're ready." Sam agreed making me jump off the edge just as the HYDRA agents shoot a missile at me. I manage to avoid it but am now free falling.
"I just did!" I let out a scream.
Sam flies in just in time and catches me in his arms. He flies us onto the last Helicarrier where Steve had managed to get to as well and was waiting for us.
"You know, you're a lot heavier than you look." Sam joked making me smile slightly.
"I had a big breakfast." I breath out.

Suddenly, Bucky appears out of no where and pushes me right over the edge. I can't help but let out a small scream in surprise as I plummet back towards the ground.
"Ali!" I heard both Sam and Steve yell above me.
"Ali? Cap? Cap, come in. Are you two okay?" It made me wonder where Steve was. I had managed to grab onto the side of the Helicarrier. I have no idea how it just came from instinct. I pulled myself up with all my strength but just as I got up a big gust of wind knocked me over again however, a large hand engulfed my wrist and yanked me back up again.
I whipped my head up to see it was Steve and sighed in relief. He pulled me into his side and checked on me before replying to Sam.
"Yeah, I'm here! I've got Ali with me. We're still on the Helicarrier."
"Where are you?" I ask Sam.
"I'm grounded, the suit's down. Sorry, guys." Sam informed us.
"Don't worry, we've got it." Steve says into his communicator as he looks down at me.

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