Super Soldier

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The next morning I woke up bright and early to get ready for the big day. Today was the day Dr. Erskine would use his super-Soldier serum on one lucky soldier.

I had no idea who it was going to be. I had been too focused on trying to perfect the serum and machinery. Abraham was astonished with my knowledge and let me almost run his experiment which I shyly declined. We had got along well over the last few months. I even got to work with the Howard Stark.

I did not like him a first. He was a flirt. But I soon realised he actually did care for my opinion and thoughts. He didn't mind working next to or for a woman and I like that about him.

I sighed as I straightened out my lab coat. My hair was in a low pony tail and I stared into the mirror at my reflection wondering how Steve and Bucky were. I missed them more everyday but I pushed my thoughts aside and wondered outside to the car waiting to take me to the lab.

When I arrived fifteen minutes later I greeted everyone before getting to work not knowing who was on his way here.

Steve and Peggy were in their own car driving through Brooklyn.
"I know this neighbourhood. I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot. And behind that diner." Steve spoke looking out the window.
"Did you have something against running away?" Peggy stared at the small blonde boy beside her.
"You start running they'll never let you stop. You stand up, push back. Can't say no forever, right?" Steve looked over to Peggy and smiled.
"I know a little of what that's like. To have every door shut in your face." Peggy admitted, being a woman in the army hasn't proven to be easier.

"I guess I just don't why you'd wanna join the army if you're a beautiful dame. Or a beautiful... a woman. An agent, not a dame! You are beautiful, but..." Steve scolded himself. He hasn't talked to any other girls before apart from Allison.

"You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?" Peggy smiled.
"I've only ever talked to one properly. My best friend Allison. Known her since I was a baby. She was the only person who ever believed in me. Apart from her, this is the longest conversation I've had with a woman. Women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on." Steve smiled fondly thinking about Allison again. He was back in Brooklyn and wondered how easy it would be to dive out the car and walk to her house.

"You must have danced? Not even with this Allison you speak of?" Peggy asked.
"Well, asking a woman to dance always seems so terrifying. And the past few years just didn't seem to matter that much. Figured I'd wait."
"For what?" Peggy asked.
"The right partner." Steve admitted making Peggy sink back in awe. She wondered whoever this Allison girl seemed very lucky to have someone like Steve by her side.

They finally pull up by an antiques shop and get out of the car.
"This way." Peggy informs Steve.
"What are we doing here?" Steve asks confused.
"Follow me."
They go inside and the Antique Store Owner walks up to them.
"Wonderful weather this morning isn't it?"
"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella." Peggy spoke. Steve realised it must have been some code and watched as Peggy leads him into the hidden lab to Dr. Erskine and his team in a big circular room, filled with machinery and a pod in the middle. However, a certain blonde hair girl catches his eye.

She hasn't noticed him yet as she busily rushed around making sure everything was perfect. Steve smiled brightly at the sight. She never changed. Allison finally looked up and followed everyone's gaze. Her mouth dropped open in shock and if she was holding anything it most likely would have dropped.

I was just busily rushing around getting everything to look perfect for when the Soldier arrived. I wanted everything to run smoothly. I finally stopped and looked around but noticed everyone seemed to be looking at something so I followed their gaze only to be met with bright blue eyes. The brightest blue I'd ever seen.

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