Meeting the Gods

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Steve and I were on the Quinjet heading for Germany. We were standing in the back getting ready to go. Nat was flying the jet at the front.
"30 seconds you two." She told us.
"Copy." I reply.

I look over to Steve who's wearing a smile.
"You going to be alright out there?" He asks me.
Just now I realised he hasn't properly seen me in action.
"I'll be fine Captain." I smirk.
With that we jump out and land in our zone before walking towards where we heard Loki.

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example." We heard him say but Steve quickly cut him off from executing, by throwing his shield at the sceptre knocking down Loki. People start to stare as the two of us come into view.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Steve announced.

Loki stood up and gazed at us both before smirking.
"The two soldiers. A man and a woman out of time."
"We're not the ones out of time." I smirk back making him falter as I hold up my wrist and my neuro energy lights up ready for me to shoot.

From above us, the Quinjet arrives. A machine gun is pointed towards Loki.
"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." I tell him.
Faster than grease lightning, Loki sends a blast of blue at the Quinjet. Natasha manages to manoeuvre it just in time, giving Steve the time to throw his shield back at Loki. I join in and strike him with energy until I can get close enough to him to use hand to hand combat. We began to duel it out. Loki flings Cap to the ground, and then Cap throws his shield, but Loki swats it away. I come up behind Loki and choke him but he flips me over onto my back and plunges his sceptre down to me but I was fast enough to blast him away. I help Steve up. Loki gets up and looks at us menacingly.

"Kneel." He demands.
Steve and I share a look.
"Not today!" We both say as he runs up to him. I flip and knock him out with my leg. Loki grabs me and flips me over but Steve grabs the God by his shoulders and yanks him off of me giving me time to jump to my feet. Steve punches him before I kick him again. I then knock his knees from underneath him. And Steve holds him by the throat.

Suddenly AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill" overdrives to the Quinjet's speakers. I sigh and put my head into my hands as Loki and Steve look around confused.

"Agent Romanoff, Sunny, did you miss me?" I hear Tony in my communicator.
Both Cap and Loki look up at the sky. Tony flies over in his Iron Man suit and blasts Loki right back to the ground. I go up and hold him down with my foot firmly on his chest. Iron Man touches down. He stands up and pulls out every piece of weaponry the suit has.

"Make your move, Reindeer Games." Tony speaks making my chuckle lowly at him.
Loki puts up his hands and surrenders. His armour materializes away.
"Good move." I tell him as he gazes up at me in awe.
"Mr. Stark." Steve greets Tony nodding in his direction politely.
"Captain. Heard a lot about you. Sunny! How's my favourite girl doing?" Tony asks his mask lifting up.

I laugh and shake my head while pulling Loki up with ease and cuffing his hands to prevent him from performing magic or getting away.
"I'm fine Tony how are you?" I ask.
"Good now I'm here." He smirked before putting his mask back down and flying to the jet.

I look over at Steve who has a look of disbelief on his face and I smile again before roughly dragging Loki along with me to the Quinjet.

It was well into the night when we were back travelling to the compound. Natasha was watching the skies still driving the jet. Thunder starts, coming out of nowhere. Loki was tied up and cuffed to his seat, I had put him in. I was leaning against one of the walls listening into to Tony and Steve who were whispering loudly. I could feel Loki's eyes on me but I never once looked at him.

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