The Soldier's Girl

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"Ok close your eyes. Don't open them. No peaking!"
"I'm not peaking Steve! I'm just nervous I'm going to trip."
"You won't. I've got you. I've got you."

He had been covering my eyes for like five minutes now. We had walked up to a building. Gone in the building and now we were on what felt like a balcony.
"Ok just a little further. A little more. There. Ok. You ready?" He asks me.

I feel the wind whip against my cool skin making my cheeks flush and a cool railing under my hands.
"Yes I'm ready." I laugh.

He suddenly uncovers my eyes and they shut immediately at the bright light. I squint until my vision focuses and I immediately gasp. We were on top of the Empire State Building. It looked like a fairytale. Snow was falling and we were like the only ones up here.
"'s beautiful." I gasp.

I feel him chuckle and come up behind me placing his hands on the railing too and encasing my body with his.
"Well I thought a beautiful girl would enjoy a beautiful view." He smiles making me chuckle at his cheesiness.
"Thank you." I tell him.
"You're welcome." He says as he kisses my cheek.

We spend a half an hour or so just talking and watching the view. After that we got a little too cold and walked back inside. When we were in the lift I asked him what was next.
"So now where are we going?" I ask.
"To see someone special."

I immediately grin knowing who it was.
"We going to see my sister?" I ask giddy.
"Yes. We're going to see Peggy." He smiled taking my hand in his.

I smile the whole walk there. It wasn't a Christmas without Peggy. When we arrived she was sat in her armchair instead of her bed making me grin at her. I rush to pull her into a hug only letting go so she could hug Steve.

We pull up chairs and sit with her.
"Hey sissy. How are you?" I ask.
"In the two days you haven't seen me, great." She chuckles.
"Good." I smile.
"What about you two. Anything interesting?" She smiles.
"Well we've been getting ready to spend Christmas with Tony and our friends. Steve's been spending time with Sam too before we leave, although I wasn't invited." I fake pout making the two laugh at me.

To this Peggy gives Steve a knowing look making my brows knit slightly but I shake it off.
"Are you seeing your family tomorrow Peggy?" I ask her.
"Yes. Yes. They're coming over to spend a few hours with me."
"That's great." I reply.
"What are your plans for the new year?" She asked Steve and I.
"Well I'm not to sure. I know Nick wants us to fully go back to doing missions so we'll have that but I guess we'll just see where life takes us."
"Yeah. I guess we will." Steve smiles brightly patting my leg.

I could tell the two were sharing looks and knew something I didn't but I just guessed it was something to do with me or my present so I didn't mind.
We talked for another hour until Peggy told us to go enjoy the rest of our day.
"Where now?" I ask excitedly.
"For someone who doesn't like surprises you're doing really well." He smirks.
"Well maybe I had a change of heart." I smirk.

To this I see Steve visibly relax and he squeezes his hand in mine linking our pinkies making me chuckle.
"Good. We're going to eat by the way."
"Oh my God yes I'm hungry!" I state making him laugh as we walked to a cafe.

We ordered a warm drink and got a light lunch. As we were eating I spoke up.
"What are your plans for next year? What do you want out of it?" I ask Steve.
"I want what I ask and hope for every year. To do good, save people, and hopefully grow my relationship with you." He smiles taking my hand.

I blush heavily.
"You took the words right out of my mouth Captain." I say as I meet his eyes.
"Just two alike." He smirked.

We spend a while there enjoying our time in the warmth the inside brought us before going back outside again. We walk around and window shop, we even go ice skating in Grand Central. I just enjoy every moment taking in my time with Steve.

Around 7pm. The night dawns on us and all the Christmas lights are now lit. I sigh as we walk down a street hand in hand, pooped from the excitement and activities of today.
"Home?" I ask Steve.
"Not yet. I have one more surprise for you." He smiles.
"Steve it's not even Christmas. You've done so much for me already." I tell him seriously.
"I know. But you mean so much to me, I wanted to make you feel special."
"You do that everyday." I remind him.
"What if I told you I was leading you to your Christmas present?"

"I'm getting it early?" I smile.
"Yeah, if you want it." He smiles.
"You don't want yours?"
"No. Not today."

We carry on walking. I'm not really paying attention to where we are until we start going down very familiar paths. When we get to a certain road I stop and I watch as Steve turns around to face me.
"I know this place." I whisper, looking around and gazing at the old houses that still stood from WW2.

Now they were full of light and joy. I carry on walking until I reach the end of the road where houses meet each other. I spin around until I face my old house.

Where I grew up. It still stands. A family lived in it now. The same family I sold it to years ago just generations down the line. I smile fondly and see Christmas lights strung up around the windows and the tree in the middle of the room. I smile fondly and tears grow in my eyes but I blink them back.

This was a happy memory.
"Steve thank you. This is amazing." I whisper.

I take in the house before turning around to face Steve.

Except when I turned around my breath hitched not believing what I saw. My hands raised to my mouth in shock and those joyous tears returned.

There in the middle of the street. In front of my childhood home, where Steve and I first met. Was the love of my life...down on one knee.

I let tears roll down my face at the sight of Steve's smiling face. He held a red velvet box in his hand that was open to reveal the most beautiful ring. But I didn't even look at that. I looked at Steve.

He too had tears in his eyes.
"Steve." I whisper still too shocked to do anything.
"Ali. I met you pretty much the day I was born. I don't think I thank the universe enough for my mum because she was best friends with your mum. By some odd chance I was destined to be by your side and meet you. Of all people. I was chosen. We grew up together. We did everything together. Soon enough I realised my feelings for you, were a lot more than just friendship. One of my earliest memories was when you defended yourself and me at school in front of a gang of bullies. Ever since that day I knew you were something special. When I enlisted for the army you were the only person that ever believed in me. Everyday I was away from you I thought about you more and more. Every letter you sent made me fall more in love with you. When I changed and became Captain America you saw past all of that...and just saw me. Ali. You have been by my side since the very beginning. I want to be by yours till the end. You've shown me so much love, kindness and confidence not only in us but myself. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Allison Smith. Will you do me the honours and make me the luckiest man becoming my wife."

I couldn't believe his speech. I cried like a baby throughout it all and watched the man of my dreams pour out every single drop of love and emotion in front of me. I let the tears rolls down my face and take my hands away from my mouth.
"Yes. Yes! Oh my God! Of course I will!"

Steve didn't have chance to fully stand up before I throw my arms around him. I cry into his chest and he squeezes his arms around me. I pull away only to pull his head down to my level to give him a long and passionate kiss. I poured everything I had into the kiss.

"Do you like your Christmas present?" He chuckles.
"Yes. Yes. I love you so much." I whispered.
He took my face in his hands and wiped away my tears while smiling at me.
"I love you too...soon to be Mrs Rogers." He chuckled. I let out an airy laugh before pulling him back into me.

I couldn't believe it. I was going to be Steve's wife. Captain America's wife. But I was always his girl. Ever since the beginning. I would always and forever be The Soldier's Girl.

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