Goodbye for now

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The next day after hours of rest and a fully belly of Shawarma. The Avengers and I all made our way to Central Park where we agreed to meet up before going our separate ways.

Thor walked up to a big space where he would find it easy to travel back to Asgard. Loki, who is handcuffed and muzzled, was alongside him. I walk up towards the two and smile at Thor before turning to Loki. I lean in and whisper in his ear.
"Remember what I said. It's never too late to change." I move backwards and I see everyone curiously looking at me but that was only for Loki to hear.

I could have sworn a genuine smile tugged at his lips but off course it was covered by his muzzle. Thor shakes hands with the rest of the team and gives Selvig a hug.
Tony the opens the Tesseract's case, Bruce takes it out and places it inside a glass tube, held by Thor. This way it could be transported back where it belongs safely. Thor gives Loki the other end, who reluctantly takes it. The Asgardians leap into the energy beam and are soon gone.

Then it was time to turn and say goodbye to everyone else. I first went over to Tony and Bruce who were heading back to the tower.
"Don't get up to any more trouble while I'm away. And tell Pepper I say hello, God knows how she deals with you in a daily basis." I joke with my Godson.

He smiles brightly at me.
"I will. Stay safe and don't get up to too much mischief." He says pulling me into a tight hug which I return.
"I won't. I love you."
"I love you too." He replies before I say a quick goodbye to Bruce watching them climb in Tony's sports car and drive away.

I then make my way over to Clint and Nat who were taking the same SHIELD car to Washington.
They smiled over to me seeing my presence.
"You not coming with us?" Nat asked.
"Not yet. There's stuff I need to do first. But you wait, I'll soon be over to beat your asses in training again." I smirk.
"Wouldn't count on anything different. Don't give the Captain too hard of a time." Clint joked making me slap his arm lightly.

He laughed loudly before climbing in the car to be safe of my rath.
Nat chuckled at his child like behaviour before walking over to give me a hug. It was quick and I give her one more smile before she too climbed in and they drove off.

Finally, I turned around to see a blonde haired, blue eyes soldier smiling at me, while leaning against his Harley.
I walk over to him and stop once I'm in front. He grabs my hips and pulls me closer into him. I smile back and run my hands down his shoulders and intertwine them behind his neck.
"You going to kiss me goodbye and tell me how much you love me, before we too dramatically split apart?" He joked making me throw my head back laughing.

"I can if you want...or we could go home?" I smile.
"Hmm, that does sound nice. What did you have in mind? Hopefully our apartment is still standing." He replied.
"No I mean. Let's go...home. To Brooklyn." I say slowly waiting for his reaction.

It soon came. I don't think I've ever seen him this excited before.
"Really?" He asks double checking.
"Yeah. If you want to?"
"Yes. I definitely do." He spoke before standing up, still holding me in his arms and leaning down to smash his lips against mine in a passionate and desperate kiss.

It had been so long since we had a moment like this and we relished in it. His tongue fought mine for dominance, with me finally giving in before we broke apart.
"There will be plenty of time for that later, but we should probably go if we want to beat rush hour." I told him.
"Oh really? I better drive fast then huh?" He smirked making me roll my eyes teasingly and climbing onto the back of his motorcycle.

Before he got on himself, he leaned down once more to capture my lips in a kiss. Once he was on, I wrapped my arms tightly around his large frame.
"Let's go home Captain." I whispered into his shoulder making him smile and turn on the engine.

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