Civil War

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After an hour we pull up on the 6th level of a parking garage at the Leipzig/Halle airport. Steve drives our battered, old car into a space next to a grey van and we all get out.

I see Clint standing next to the van and I send him a warm smile, happy to see him again.
"Cap. Ali." Clint greets us.
"You know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice." Steve tells our friend immediately.
"Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt." Clint admits.

Just then I see Wanda jump out the van. She runs up to me and I encase her in a hug. I kiss the top of her head lovingly as I pull her to arms length.

"Wan I'm so sorry. If I had known Tony and Vision had you under-"
"It's ok. I don't blame you." She cuts me off. I smile at her again and pull her in for another hug. I missed her so much.
"Thanks for having my back." Steve says to Wanda.
"It was time to get off my ass." She says in my arms making me smile.

"How about our other recruit?" Steve asks as Wanda finally pulls away from me.
"He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but... he should be good."

Clint opened the door to reveal a smaller man, he had dark hair and was fast asleep. That was until Clint slammed the door and woke him up.

He groaned as the light hit his eyes and soon got up.
"What timezone is this?" He asked.
"Come on. Come on." Clint encouraged.

When his eyes adjusted, they grew to the size of saucepans. He immediately took Steve's hand and starts to shake it.
"Captain America." He states in awe.
"Mr. Lang." Steve greets back.

He continues to shake Steve's hand making me chuckle.
"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America." He says looking at Wanda. His eyes grow again.

"I know you, too. You're great!" He smiles making me nudge Wanda jokingly.
He turns back and feels Steve's shoulders.
"Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so . . . thinks for thanking of me." He spoke. Steve just nodded and I laughed at the man's reaction causing his head to turn to me.

I swear this man could not be any more excited. He had to be our number one fan. Which made it even more hilarious as I swear he's a hero himself.
"Oh my God! Allison Rogers. It's an honour. I've looked up to you ever since I was kid. Your so hot-I mean beautiful. Beautiful. And not that I'm into you, you know I know you have America over there so a guy like me..yeah." He chatted making me laugh again as he bowed/curtsied in front of me.

Everyone else let out a small chuckle too.
"Hey, man!" The cheery man yelled to Sam.
"What's up, Tic Tac?" Sam greeted.
"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I . . ."
"It was a great audition, but it'll . . . it'll never happen again." Sam cut him off.
"They tell you what we're up against?" I ask Scott.
"Something about some . . . psycho-assassins?" He asks unsurely.

"We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man." I warn him fully expecting him to back out. I heard he had a family and I didn't want him putting that at risk.
"Yeah, well, what else is new?" He just said to making me give him a small smile.
"We should get moving." Bucky spoke up.

I turned around and nodded in agreement to everyone. If we wanted to get out without a fight we had to go now.
"We got a chopper lined up." Clint tells us.

All of a sudden a voice on the intercom sounds.
"Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren."

I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion not understanding. I didn't speak great German. I could only make out the word 'emergency'. Which didn't sound that great.
"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky told us all.
"Stark." Sam states simply making me sigh. I really didn't want to see Tony.
"Stark?" Scott asks us.
"Suit up." Steve tells us quickly.

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