They're Gone

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Steve's POV:

The fight in Wakanda was much bigger than any of us had anticipated. We were beginning to struggle and when I heard Vision had to escape, from the broken-in lab and was fighting aimlessly and still weakened, I knew he needed back up.

I had his location and was sprinting there but my mind couldn't help but wander to Allison. I left her in the lab and no one had heard from her since the last update her and Shuri gave where she pleaded for more time. I knew she was strong so I pushed my thoughts aside and tackled the alien that was fighting Vision to the ground.

"Get outta here!" I yell at him as I exchange blows with Glaive, using my arm-shields kindly gifted by T'Challa as offence, as well as defense. Seeing Vision not moving I turn to him again.
"GO!" I yell.

I manage to keep blocking Glaive's staff weapon using my shields but it is harder to send blows as he is fast. I finally knock it from the alien's hands but I am then thrown over a fallen tree and pinned with Glaive's hand at my throat. Even with my physical abilities, I begin to struggle and choke out. I almost run out of breath until a glaive-blade pierces Glaive's chest and is pushed all the way through.

Behind him I see a very weak Vision raising his enemy and holding him for a moment before dropping his corpse to one side and collapsing exhaustively.

"I thought I told you to go." I told Vision sternly, helping him back to his feet.

"We don't trade lives, Captain." Vision reminded me back to the conversation I had with him a few hours ago.

Wanda soon lands as she finally locates Vision and comes to his aid.
"Are you okay?" She asks as Vision flinches in pain before he can answer.
"What? What is it?" She asks again.

"He's here." Was all Vision said as the wind picks up. It feels... strange. Eerie.

Everyone soon joins my side but I notice that a familiar blonde is no where to be seen and that worries me, especially if Thanos had just arrived.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." I say into my coms.

"What the hell?" Nat asks at my side, as we see the dark clouds replicating the Space Stone just before Thanos steps forward.
"Cap. That's him." Bruce warns me.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." I order.

Bruce reaches Thanos first, lunging forward fist-first but Thanos uses the Space Stone on him, rendering him until the Hulkbuster is half-buried in the stone of the cliff behind him, and freezes Bruce in place.

Seeing this I go to step forward but before I even get the chance I am sent flying by purple energy to the ground. I go down head first, knocking my skull and groaning upon impact.

I hear the others fighting and as I get up I see Wanda extending a trembling hand and starts beaming her energy at the Mind Stone, trying to destroy it.

Rhodey joins the fight, firing his guns at Thanos until he uses the gauntlet to crush his armor around him and toss him aside. Bucky then runs in firing and is punched away by the Power Stone angering me. Okoye activates the Vibranium-powered elements on her spear and flings it but the power stops inches from Thanos and he throws her aside. Groot stabs his hands into the ground to wrap Thanos in cables of roots, which he breaks easily.

I had, had enough after seeing Wanda's broken expression so I slide under one blow given off by Thanos and come up swinging my deployed arm-shields, punching Thanos in the gut and chin. I grab the gauntlet, keeping Thanos' fingers un-clenched so he cannot snap. Thanos looks very briefly impressed at my efforts as he screams before slamming a fist into my head, rendering me insensible.

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