How, When and Where?

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Once I sort myself out and leave our bedroom a lot calmer, I realise Tony has arrived and has the solution to time travel making me want to run back in my room and throw my guts up.

I was scared to death over this time travel. I wanted nothing more than to bring everyone back and save the universe but the thought of losing more or what I had now was eating me away. I finally moved on and lived the life I always wanted, if that was taken away from me I don't think I could go on. There is only so many times I can pick myself back up from a fall.

I greet Tony with a hug and we talk over the plans.
"Hey I'm gonna order in for dinner, anything you fancy?" He asks me.
"Oh my God yes! I am craving Taco Bell." I groan at the thought of fast food. I was so hungry.

I had been feeling sick or being sick all day, I needed this. Tony gave me a weird look but pulled out his phone none the less.
"Ok, tacos it is then." He said ordering it.

I smile and I talk to both Steve and Tony and almost cry again out of happiness the fact that Tony gave Steve his shield back. God I missed Howard.

Crap. These pregnancy emotions were really getting to me. How these men haven't noticed yet is beyond me.

The tacos arrived half an hour later and I basically devoured them and stole one of Steve's too. He just smiled and happily gave it to me. God I had to tell him soon or he would definitely figure it out himself.

After I finished, Rhodey and the Guardians had showed up ready to help us with our Time Travel. That evening we discussed that someone needed to go and get Thor. None of us had heard from him the whole five years. He had taken it the hardest. The same with Clint. Natasha decided to recruit him back seeing as they were best friends and he would listen to her the most.

The next morning our time travel plan was in full swing and while Tony designed the structure, I was the woman behind the science and logistics of it all. I was getting tired more easily and when Thor and Clint arrived my mouth dropped open at the state of them. Clint had a sleeve of tattoos and a Mohawk looking like a badass, while Thor was the complete opposite. A complete mess.

As soon as he came near me and I smelt his stench I was right back over the toilet throwing up. Once I flushed away my dignity I heard a knock at the door. I sighed and stood up before opening it, revealing Nat.

She just walked in with a knowing look and closed the door behind her.
"How long?" She asked me.
"Three days." I sigh sitting on the toilet seat.
"You ok though? Are you sure you can do this Ali, you look really pale." She asked placing her flat palm across my forehead to check my temperature.

"I'm fine I promise. I just need to come up with an excuse to not go back in time." I tell her.
"So Steve doesn't know?"
"No. I want to tell him at the right moment, you know? Make it special. I feel guilty keeping it from him but I don't want to worry him further. I'm a big girl, I've been through this twice before. It's only been two years, it's just a lot more is on the line now." I reply.

"I know, I understand. I won't tell anyone. Just be careful ok? I'll keep an eye on you and when I say enough is enough, stop ok? It's not just yourself to think about, you got a little munchkin in there now." She smiled sweetly cupping my very small bump in her hands.

"I know. Don't worry though, we're surrounded by men, they won't know I'm pregnant until my belly is bigger than Thor's and I start snapping at them for breathing too loud." I let out a light laugh making Nat join in.
"How far along do you think you are?" Nat asks.
"I have no idea. A month maybe two, not that far." I tell her to which she just nods.

"Ok. Get yourself cleaned up and I'll grab you a tea, I'll also make sure the guys stay away and don't bother you." She says opening the door.
"Oh my God I love you. I knew you were my best friend for a reason." I say making her laugh and leave me to it.

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