What more can I do?

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Steve and I were situated in a run down apartment complex. I gazed around the small, cramped room with sadness.

I understood why Bucky chose it. No one would even know he existed, until now. He didn't even have a bed just a mattress. I blinked back my tears knowing we could now save him. We could bring him home, fight for his justice. I was prepared to walk the ends of this earth for him.

Steve and I were back in our suits. He had his shield ready while I had a gun securely in my hands. I didn't want to scare Bucky, it was more for the others who were coming.

Steve was looking around too but mainly at the kitchen. I see that Steve finds a notebook on top of the fridge. He picks it up and opens it. There are tabs of varying colors sticking out from amongst the pages.
"Steve, don't. It's private." I tell him.

Bucky may be our friend but even after all this he had a right to his secrets. Steve nodded and put the notebook back.
"Heads up, Cap. Ali Cat. German Special Forces, approaching from the south." Sam spoke over our radio.

"Understood." Steve said while turning to me as I nod. But I see him stiffen up and freeze.
I turn around myself and a smile ghosts over my lips as I see Bucky standing behind us.

"Do you know us?" Steve asked carefully.
"You're Allison and you're Steve. I read about you in a museum." He told us monotonly.

"They've set the perimeter." I hear Sam say over our radio. He was on top of a near by building along with T'Challa, keeping a lookout.
"I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." I say taking a careful step towards him.

Bucky doesn't step back and instead gazes straight into my hazel eyes.
"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore." He tried to keep his voice serious but I could hear the emotion and pleading sound creeping through making my heart ache.

He had been through so much.

"They're entering the building." Sam says.
"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." Steve informs Bucky.
"We want to help you Bucky. We want to take you home. Please let us." I say softly.

His expression seems to break and I know I'm getting through. If only I had more time.
"That's smart. Good strategy." Bucky bluntly speaks.
"They're on the roof. I'm compromised." Sam tells us.
"This doesn't have end in a fight, Buck." Steve said.

"It always ends in a fight." Bucky stated.
"5 seconds." Sam says desperately.
"You pulled us from the river and saved Ali's life. Why?" Steve asked wanting to get through.
"I don't know." Bucky replied with no emotion.
"3 seconds!" We heard Sam yell.
"Yes, you do." Was all I said before Sam was yelling and warning us through our ear pieces.

"Breach! Breach! Breach!"
A grenade crashes through the window. Bucky immediately kicks it to Steve and he covers it with his shield, making the explosion small and concealed. Hurting no one.

I take a deep breath knowing where this was going and it wasn't going to be easy.

The cops slam against the door. Bucky is quick with his thinking and tugs my waist so I crash into him before shielding himself and me with the mattress against an attack from the window. I look up to him quickly and as he meets my gaze for a second I thank him.

He then blocks the door by throwing a table as cops swing in on cables. Steve pulls the rug from under a policeman, sending him flying. Bucky slams another policeman into the wall. While I shoot another. Not enough to kill them but so they won't be getting up anytime soon.

"Buck, stop! You're gonna kill someone." I hear Steve yell, noticing Bucky is once again straddling Steve.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone." Bucky spits as he punches into the floor boards and pulls out a backpack.

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