I love you

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When I heard what happened. I didn't believe the news. Peggy came to my room to tell me the mission report after I had spent all day hard at work with Howard in the lab.

I just sat there in denial. Bucky was dead once and he came back to me alive. I believed it was one of those moments again. Peggy was comforting. I enjoyed her company. I didn't want to be alone these days. However, it never really hit me until I knocked on Steve's door that night.

He looked broken. His eyes were squinted from hurting too much from crying. His face was red and blotchy. His hair was a mess and his clothes were rumpled. I didn't say anything. I didn't need to.

I pulled him into my arms and he closed the door behind me before latching onto me. He immediately broke down into my shoulder and I tried to stay strong for him but I couldn't help the waterfall of tears fall down my face. I buried my head in his shoulder while he was crying into my neck. I whispered comforting things to him and ran my hands through his hair.

I stayed with him all night. It took him a while to fall asleep but he eventually did tucked into my side. I sighed looking down at his sleeping figure. Our tears had run out a few hours ago and we just enjoyed each other's company in the hard time we were going through. I stroked down his cheekbone as I watched his chest lightly rise and fall.

"I love you." I whispered. I paused seeing if it would stir him awake at all and when it didn't I took a deep breath.
"I love you Steve Rogers. I know I've told you that all my life, but...I love you more than a friend. I have for some time now, even before you became the soldier I always saw you to be. I love everything about you, from the way you look at me, to your smile. I love your hair, your eyes...I really like your eyes." I softly chuckled.

I didn't feel embarrassed with my confession I somewhat felt a weight lift off my shoulders even if he was fast asleep and couldn't hear a word I was saying.

"I promised Bucky I would tell you how I felt before it was too late. I hope I can do that when your not asleep, but for now this is good enough for me. I will always be by your side Steve Rogers. I'd follow you to the ends of the earth and back again. I'm so lucky I have you by my side and I-...I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If you'll have me..." I laugh lightly again.

I turn to become more comfy in his bed and gaze at him as we were now face to face with him being so close to me. When his cool breath hit my neck shivers ran up my spine. I slowly and gently lean in and place a long kiss to his lips.

I smile at him before tucking myself into him and allowing myself to finally fall asleep next to love of my life.

The next morning we were all immediately back into action. In a way I was glad. It distracted Steve and I from the heart brake we had experienced with Bucky for a second time.
The team were preparing a battle plan to take down Red Skull at his headquarters. We all sat around our round table hashing everything out.
"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bug house. He thinks he's a God. He's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA. Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities. He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire eastern sea board in an hour." Chester told us.
"How much time we got?" Gabe asks.
"According to my new best friend, under twenty four hours." Chester replied.
"Where is he now?" Jaques asked.
"Hydra's last base is here." I tell them holding up a photo I point to the base.
"In the Alps. Five hundred feet below the surface." I continue giving Steve a look. He gave me a small smile.
"So, what are we supposed to do. I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door." Jim asked.
"Why not? That's exactly what we're gonna do." Steve spoke up.

Everyone started getting ready and I made my way over to help Steve. I buckled up his back strap for him to hold his shield and patted down his uniform. He gazed at me lovingly begging me to look directly into his eyes. I let out a shaky breath and place my hands onto his chest before meeting his gaze. He reached out to cup my face and I gladly leaned into his touch.
"Steve." I whisper.
"Yeah." He whispered back.
I closed my eyes in his embrace.
"I love you." I hesitantly whisper.
"I lov-"
"No. I, love you." I cut him of looking him directly in his bright blue eyes. It takes a moment of confusion to wash over him before his eyes widen realising what I just said and what it meant.

He lifted his other hand up to touch my other cheek. He slowly leaned in and my breath hitched. He brushed his lips onto mine and I breathed out steadily.
"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that." He mummers before crashing his lips onto mine.

My hands immediately weave into his hair and I pull him closer to me. His right hand lets go of my cheek and weaves its way down to encase my waist. Our lips mould together and I feel his tongue brush against my bottom lip. I hesitantly open my mouth and allow his tongue to explore my own.

I give off a light moan into the kiss and we continue desperately until he finally slows it back down again. I pull away slightly to look back into his eyes.
"I love you so much Ali." He spoke.
I smile brightly before leaning in to peck him once more before hugging him tight with me against his chest. We hold each other until Peggy finally comes in telling us it's time to go.

As soon as she leaves I look back up to the soldier I had learned to love. He smiles brightly at me before kissing me softly for the last time and he takes his hand in mine before waking out to meet his team.

I watch them leave, my heart aching longing for the moment I can hold him in my arms again. I smile softly and already await his return before Peggy links our arms and we head to the control room.

I hear Steve's radio come in after a long awaited hour and immediately grab it to communicate with him.
"Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?" I heard his voice.
"Steve, is that you? Are you alright?" I immediately ask.
"Ali! Schmidt's dead." He told me.
"What about the plane?" I ask.
"That's a little bit tougher to explain."
"Give me your coordinates, I'll find you a safe landing site." Peggy spoke up next to me.
"There's not going to be a safe landing. But I can try and force it down." I ignored what he was saying desperately trying to find a way around this.

I could already feel the squeezing pain in my heart.
"I'll get Howard on the line, he'll know what to do." I tell him swallowing the lump in my throat.
"There's not enough time. This thing's moving too fast and it's heading for New York. I gotta put her in the water."

My breath hitches and Peggy looks shocked and freezes.
"Please, don't do this. We have time. We can work it out." I couldn't hide the pain in my voice as I spoke. My hands trembling around the communicator.
"Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die. Peggy, Ali, this is my choice. Ali?"
"I'm here." I sob.
"I'm gonna need a rain check on that catch up." He spoke.
"Alright. A week, next Saturday, at the Stork Club." I manage to laugh slightly through my tears.
"You got it." He promised.
"Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?"
"You know, I still don't know how to dance."
"Neither do I. Just be there." I look up at the sky and smile.
"We'll have the band play somethin' slow. I'd hate to step on your..." Suddenly the line goes static and I freak out. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. My tears were uncontrollable at this point.
"Steve? Steve? Steve?" I repeat his name until I physically can't speak letting my sobs take over. I just lost the two most important people in the world to me in less than 48 hours.

Peggy stayed with me until my cries had become silent but the pain didn't end. It felt like someone was trying to rip out my heart but wouldn't do it and was just constantly teasing my heart strings. I couldn't breath, I couldn't see.

I didn't know what to do. My whole world was gone.

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